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James V. Lacy

No decision yet in Citizens United case

The U.S. Supreme Court indeed issued decisions in three cases this morning but did not publish an opinion in the very important campaign finance reform case of Citizens United vs. Federal Election Commission, which remains pending.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Costa: Borrow more money to create jobs

Jim Costa is a Democrat from Fresno, representing the 20th Congressional District. He says he’s a "blue dog", but I’ve exposed his 97% in agreement with Nancy Pelosi voting record. His District suffers from water shortages and record unemployment. He voted yes on the job killing, budget busting health insurance reform bill in the House.

Now, in the Central Valley Times, Costa has the solution to the current jobs crisis: spend more on infrastructure. Not only is this an intellectually lazy response to the problem – what he is really saying is this: borrow more money from foreign countries.

This is vintage Costa. I don’t know if his seat is in play next year or not. The way Obama / Pelosi / Reid are going, They might lose 75 seats due to their arrogance and incompetence. Costa isn’t doing anything to distinguish himself from the Democrat leadership that America detests.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Adam Abrahms Elected YRFC Chairman

Due to an error (on my part) the featured column from new YRFC Chairman Adam Abrahms featured on our main page had text from an older column. That error has been corrected. Please click here to read what Abrahms has to share as he assumes the reigns of this important statewide Republican organization.… Read More

Mike Spence

Sen. Dave Cogdill to Run for County Assessor

The rule of three has been surpassed. More than three people have told methat Senator Dave Cogdill is planning to run for County Assessor in Stanislaus County. The current County Assessor is not seeking re-election.Imeediately speculation focuses on Cogdill. Well he is in.Cogdill’s campaign team or least part of his campaign team has been activated and are making arrangements.

Senator Cogdill recently decided not to run for re-election to the State Senate. He of course was Republican Leader of the Senate an most recently was one of the major architects of the water reform and bond.Cogdill was mentioned as a possible Lt. Governor pick before the Governor choose a fellow liberal Democrat :)

It is important to note that Cogdill was in the real estate appraisal business before his election to public office.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Why Is Debra Bowen Running Scared?

Debra Bowen is a 17 year politician, the incumbent, and member of the party that holds a 2.3 million registration advantage in the state, and in her previous campaigns has been a fair, if not prolific, fundraiser.

So who or what has the California Secretary of State Debra Bowen running scared?

I suppose it could be that the drop in popularity of Democrats with the hard-left agenda of spending and borrowing of this President. It could be the significant shift of independent voters away from Bowen’s party.

But there is another reason: Damon Dunn.

Born to a 16-year old single mother in Texas and raised by his grandparents, Dunn worked hard as a student-athelete, earned a 4.0 GPA in high school and was the number 2 football recruit in Texas. He attended Stanford University where he graduated with both academic and athletic awards and spent a few years in the NFL.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A “Voice Vote” For Speaker Is Disrepectful Of Republicans

According to this story by Anthony York over on Capitol Weekly’s website, Speaker Bass may schedule a vote for her successor as Speaker for as early as next week. The article says that this will be a voice vote.

This is a terrible idea.

Republicans deserve some respect and the ability to have some pride. This is best facilitated by a process that allows more than simply a motion for the anointed candidate by the Democrats to become speaker on a voice vote. As a matter of fact, under that system, there is no way for a Republican legislator to make it clear that they do not, in fact, approve of or cast a vote for whichever liberal the Dems put up for the top job.

In the ideal scenario, the Democrats will accept a process whereby Republicans can place the name of their leader, Sam Blakeslee, into nomination for Speaker. Blakeslee will get only 28 votes (one GOP seat is vacant until January) and will lose the election, but will be able to stand tall for the Republican Party — and every Assembly Republican will have the pride… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gov’s Fish & Game Commission About To Declare “Hunting Season Open” On Coastal Fishermen and Boaters

As someone who has been engaged in the process of politics in California for well over two decades now, I have developed a “thick skin” when it comes to watching our state’s policy makers, dominated by the ideological left, make decision after decision that makes no sense whatsoever when juxtaposed over the reality of life. But I am used to the fact that we have too many policy makers who are very comfortable over-taxing, over-borrowing, over-spending and over-regulating. For a great many of these policy makers, they pursue this kind of “taking” of individual liberty and freedom with the fervor of a religious quest – decrying those who believe in individual liberty and people’s rights over collective rights and societal responsibility like we are heretics.

One can only imagine what this menagerie must look like to a commercial fisherman or recreational boater who one day hears a rumor, “Guess what? California politicians are going to ban fishing and boating in wide swaths of the ocean, off of the state coastline!”

I’m sure disbelief transitioned to shock which then became outrage and by now these folks are well on their way to… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Taxpayers foot the bill of college bureaucrat’s lavish vacations

I’ve always said the problem with California schools isn’t about how much moneywe spend but rather howwe spend it.

Take the story of San Jose Community College Chancellor Rosa Perez, who has received a 48 percent pay increase in just four years, which includes nearly $300,000 in annual income and a $147,000 bonus for staying on the job for four years.

The California Taxpayers’ Association reported yesterday that it wasn’t enough for Perez to pull in a king’s ransom every month, she also charged taxpayers for lavish hotel stays in San Jose (even though Perez lives in San Francisco!) and trips to El Salvador and Scotland.

At a time when California schools are laying off teachers, it’s disappointing to read about greedy "educators" who are supposed to have the best interest of the students in mind. Don’t get me wrong; I believe people deserve pay commensurate with their talent. But in these fiscally difficult times, everyone should share in the pain — that means taking pay cuts and curtailing unnecessary spending.… Read More

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