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BOE Member George Runner

Senior-Citizen Sex Offender Gets Caught Luring Child

God bless the 11-year-old Palmdale girl who, as reported by the Antelope Valley Press, managed to flee a sex offender last week. She is to be commended for her bravery and quick actions. Had this precious child not escaped, she might have met a tragic fate. Luckily, Palmdale station sheriff deputies were able to nab Keith Holmes, the 78-year-old registered sex offender. Because of tougher sex offender laws, Holmes, who is accused of luring the child, will likely go away for life. Everyone knows that Jessica’s Law requires paroled sex offenders to wear GPS and live at least 2,000 feet from schools. But what some people forget is that Jessica’s Law gives prosecutors strengthened tools for keeping dangerous men like Holmes off the streets for longer periods – or for good. I also couldn’t help but notice Holmes’ advanced years. Hmmm, aren’t elderly people – even elderly prisoners like Charles Manson and registered sex offenders like Holmes – supposed to be peaceful and benevolent souls, and present absolutely no danger to society by virtue of their old age? Isn’t 62 the magic age where bad people become good and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Off To California’s Capitol

Off to Sacramento for meetings — got to keep all of those FR contacts fresh. On the flight with me (okay, we carpooled) is CRP Treasurer Keith Carlson. Undoubtedly there are other politicos on the flight. But it's so early I can't focus beyond Keith here in my aisle.

Wheel's up!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pacific Legal Foundation vs. The U.S. Gov’t Love Affair With The Kangaroo Rat

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service must stop dragging its feet and issue a delisting decision in response to petitions from the Riverside County Farm Bureau to remove the Stephens kangaroo rat (pictured) from listing under the Endangered Species Act.

This is the position of attorneys with the Pacific Legal Foundation who today filed a lawsuit in federal court today on behalf of their client, the Riverside County Farm Bureau.

"For 14 years, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has been disobeying the legal deadline for properly responding to the Riverside County Farm Bureau’s petition to delist the SKR," said PLF attorney Damien Schiff. "Today we are asking a federal court to order the agency to get off the dime, obey the… Read More

Bill Leonard

School Reform Right and Wrong

The Legislature is working on legislation to make California eligible – and hopefully competitive – for federal “Race to the Top” grant funding worth up to $750 million for California. SB5X 1 by Senator Gloria Romero (D- East Los Angeles) is the bill that I, education reformers, and the Governor support, but it is sitting in limbo in the Assembly Education Committee. The California Teachers Association is opposed to it. The Romero bill contains many genuine reform elements that deserve support and applause. It permits pupil education data to be used for teacher and administrator evaluation and employment decisions; removes the statutory cap on the number of charter schools in California; creates the “Open Enrollment Act” permitting pupils in specified low-performing schools to transfer to other schools within or outside their district; requires intervention in the 5% of California schools that are identified as the most persistently low-performing; allows the creation of alternative teacher credential programs for science, technology, engineering, math and career technical educators; allows 50% of the parents of children in specified… Read More

Bill Leonard

OC Register Editorial Board Praises Poizner

2010 will be a very positive year for supporters of Steve Poizner’s campaign for governor. Today Poizner confirmed what most of us have known for a long time – he plans to win this campaign and return conservative principles to Sacramento. Poizner’s campaign announced earlier today that he will be contributing $15 million to his campaign for governor and spending it on spreading his fiscally conservative message. In other news that should keep Poizner supporters smiling throughout the holiday season, the Orange County Register’s editorial board penned a glowing assessment of Poizner’s campaign and candidacy in Sunday’s print edition of the newspaper. Specifically the OC Register notes that: “Mr. Poizner is an energetic, tech-savvy Silicon Valley businessman turned politician. He is seeking the state’sRead More

Tab Berg

Oops! they did it again.

Oops! they did it again: public trusts Britany as much as Legislature on budget. A statewide poll conducted by Wilson Research had an interesting item – it turns out the public is almost equally split between the California Legislature and Britany Spears on who they trust more to manage budgets. Here’s the excerpt from the toplines: Q17: And, who do you think would do a better job handling your family’s budget [ROTATE] California legislators or Brittany Spears? 1. California Legislators 35% 2. Brittany Spears 31% 3. DK/Refused [DNR]Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California Taxpayers to Lawmakers: Just say ‘No’ to new taxes

As the cold, harsh realities of California’s dismal economy continues to settle into many California households, it’s no wonder taxpayer groups (like Californians Against Higher Taxes) are beating the drum: No new taxes! Read more here.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: The Oceanside Results

Last Tuesday’s failed recall election against Oceanside Councilman Jerry Kern was a clear repudiation of an attempt by labor to wrest control of the city council in one of San Diego County’s largest municipalities.

Fellow SD FlashReport blogger Duane Dichiara wrote about the results on Wednesday, in A Crushing Defeat for Labor in Bellweather Oceanside Election. Here too are several SD Rostra posts on the election.

In many (if not most) cases, local elected officials — including Republicans — are fearful of not having public safety union endorsements, as voters will often respond positively to police and fire association messages and endorsements. Yet, the outcome in Oceanside shows how the public will respond when they are truly informed about the issues at hand.

The overall lesson is that when a city is caught up in the emotion of a recall election for several weeks, with both sides focused on messaging in a very singular fashion (not… Read More

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