A modest “food stamp” reform draws apoplectic responses from welfare pimps
Below is a WONDERFUL example of media bias in a “news” story. It’s a NEW YORK TIMES article decrying a modest proposed “Trump” food stamp (SNAP) eligibility reform.
Given that it’s a NY TIMES article, arguably it is BY DEFINITION biased. But more important for me, it’s printed in my local SAN DIEGO U-T. And doubtless printed in hundreds of other papers across the nation — plus it serves as the basis for scores of bleating TV stories. It’s defined as news — the NY TIMES doesn’t even bother to name the author/reporter.
Start with the U-T headline — “Nearly 700,000 set to lose Access to Food Stamps.” That a big number — until you realize that 36,400,000 people now receive the SNAP food subsidy. That’s a tepid reform that AT MOST affects only 1.9% of current… Read More