Have You Heard?! The Water Crisis is solved!
I’ve always wondered why political figures think their legislation solves problems. Usually, legislation doesn’t solve anything. If you look the list of issues today that are very serious, almost all of them have had many legislative "solutions" passed to address them.
Governmen can’t execute – plain and simple.
When I ran for Congress in 1994, California was in the throes of a water crisis. Today, 15 years later, California is in the throes of a water crisis. Legislation has made it worse.
Now, the latest gimmick is a bond – a bond that will be placed on the ballot in 2010 to "solve" the water crisis in the State. On problem – California voters have passed so many bonds in the past 10 years that our debt service to general fund revenues are out of control.
For 10 years, while doing political analysis on KMJ 580, and writing for the Fresno Bee, I’ve warned of this impending debt crisis. It’s here now.
Many of the bonds passed by voters in the past 8 years have not been sold – authorized – but not issued. So the debt service on those hasn’t… Read More