Schwarzenegger To Democrats: Federal Bailout or Welfare Cuts – You Decide…
Governor Schwarzenegger deserves some quick and strong praise from conservatives for his first "opening salvo" on the 2010 state budget debate. In today’s Los Angeles Times, reporters Shane Goldmacher and Evan Halper explain how the Governor has put forth some major negotiating points he will use with the legislature to work towards closing an estimated budget shortfall of over twenty BILLION dollars. Governor Schwarzenegger has thrown down the proverbial gauntlet, making it clear that without money from the federal government, he will be advocating large and deep cuts in social spending programs.
Here is a relevant excerpt from the Times article: If Washington does not provide roughly $8 billion in new aid for the state, the governor threatens to severely cut back — if not eliminate — CalWORKS, the state’s main welfare program; the In-Home Health Care Services program for the disabled and elderly poor, and two tax breaks for… Read More