Posted by Michael Der Manouel, Jr. at 12:00 am on Jan 05, 2010 Comments Off on Handicapping CD 19
George Radanovich’s retirement announcement has sent the Central
Valley into a feeding frenzy on news of candidates looking to run
to replace him. A solid Republican seat, all of the action
for this one will be in the June primary.
So far I have heard from all of the campaigns of the major
candidates. There are two potential candidates from the
Fresno area, former Secretary of State Bill Jones, and former
Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson. To the North, there are former
Congressman Richard Pombo, and State Senator Jeff Denham.
Truth be known, any of them would be a fine Member of
Congress. Having four of them in the race will make it a real
In this election, however, my sense is that old paradigms don’t
matter. I don’t think fundraising is going to matter as much,
and some of the issues that should really matter a lot won’t matter
at all.
As everyone knows, the Central Valley here is the victim of a
man made drought, fueled by outrageous Endangered Species laws, and
the resulting unemployment is staggering. Hundreds of
thousands of acres of fertile ag land remain fallow, threatening
and endangering our… Read More