Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Jan 08, 2010 1 Comment
Looking at it broadly, I think that the budget proposed by the
Governor starts off the negotiating process from the right spot —
which is with the premise that California taxpayers should not be
punitively taxed to make up the budget shortfall. There are a
lot of innovative solutions being proposed which is critical given
the funding shortfall. This proposal recognizes that that the
long term health of state government depends on an economic
With concern for the taxpayer being the top priority, there are
concerns about the return of the tax on homeowners insurance,
counting on new revenue from red light cameras, and the myriad of
proposed "revenue increases" that appear on a list to potentially
implement if the federal government does not kick in requested
funds to balance the budget.
It is my hope that GOP lawmakers make it clear pretty quickly
that the Governor is right when he says we need to live within our
means, and that new taxes and fees (aka: "revenue increases") are
not on the table, period.… Read More