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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: An Open Letter To Those Praising The Recently Signed “Race To The Top” Legislation


January 8, 2010

Dear Race To The Top Passage Enthusiast:

**There is more – click the link**

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Jon Fleischman

Come Too Close And I’ll “Flip You On!

The campaign trail of gubernatorial hopeful Steve Poizner took him last evening to South Orange County, where I call home. He had an event with local elected officials. It was so close that I had to swing by and check it out. There I saw Orange County Supervisor Pat Bates, and since Poiz’s campaign had announced her endorsement earlier in the day, I thought I’d whip out the Flip camera (it’s always with me in case of that "TMZ moment") — and have some fun.

A reminder — as an officer of the State GOP, I do not endorse in contested Republican primaries. So if you are a GOP candidate for statewide office, and you come into my turf, I may "Flip you on!"

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Jon Fleischman

Governor Unveils Proposed ’10-’11 Budget

The Governor just introduced his 2010-2011 proposed State Budget. It’s big and fat and filled with a ton of details. If you are THAT FlashReport reader, thanks to Capitol Weekly a nearly-200 page document with a lot of details are available online here.

Linked below this post are three helpful documents. The first one is a succinct three-pager from the Governor’s office for the more "normal" non-wonkish types to get sense of the budget proposal. Also is a list of money that Governor wants from the federal government, arguing that our state pays more into the U.S. Treasury than we get back. Finally the Governor’s office created a one-pager concerning proposed education reforms.

Again, there is a LOT to digest here. Look for those controversial components of the proposal to get more attention here on the FlashReport and elsewhere.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

AD68 Watch: Democratic Viet Businessman Phu Nguyen Jumps Into Race

[Cross-posted from] reports that Democratic businessman Phu Nguyen is getting into the 68th Assembly District race:

We recieved the following press announcement that may very well shake up the 68th Assembly District contest this year.

Successful small business owner Phu Nguyen announces bid for 68th Assembly District

Phu Nguyen Announces Assembly Bid Phu Nguyen Phu Nguyen, a community leader and successful business entrepreneur, has announced his candidacy for the 68th State Assembly District.

You can read the rest of the entry here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring On Gov’s Proposed Budget

Ron Nehring, Chairman of the California Republican Party, has just sent us his thoughts on the new proposed budget. We’ve formatted it as a column which you can read by clicking here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

My First Take On The Proposed Budget

Looking at it broadly, I think that the budget proposed by the Governor starts off the negotiating process from the right spot — which is with the premise that California taxpayers should not be punitively taxed to make up the budget shortfall. There are a lot of innovative solutions being proposed which is critical given the funding shortfall. This proposal recognizes that that the long term health of state government depends on an economic recovery.

With concern for the taxpayer being the top priority, there are concerns about the return of the tax on homeowners insurance, counting on new revenue from red light cameras, and the myriad of proposed "revenue increases" that appear on a list to potentially implement if the federal government does not kick in requested funds to balance the budget.

It is my hope that GOP lawmakers make it clear pretty quickly that the Governor is right when he says we need to live within our means, and that new taxes and fees (aka: "revenue increases") are not on the table, period.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Statements from Legislative Leaders on Proposed Budget

STATEMENT FROM SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER DENNIS HOLLINGSWORTH Senate Republicans are glad to see Governor Schwarzenegger’s commitment to not raise taxes again and his focus on job creation and beginning the process of eliminating job killing regulations,” said Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth. “While this budget involves tough choices, that’s no different than the tough choices every California family has to make in these difficult economic times. Controlling spending and not raising taxes have to be our top priorities in order to get California back on the right track- this budget is a good start. STATEMENT FROM ASSEMBLY BUDGET VICE-CHAIRMAN JIM NIELSEN The Governor’s budget proposal is an important starting point for what will be a year of very difficultRead More

Jon Fleischman

John Eastman, Dean of Chapman Law School, likely to run for Attorney General

Dr. John Eastman is one of the preeminent legal minds and constitutional law experts of our time.

He currently serves as the Dean of the Chapman University College of Law (were he has been lauded for his job performance), but his curriculum vitae is much deeper than that. Dr. Eastman served as Director for the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence, which is affiliated with the Claremont Institute.

Eastman is a national leader within the Federalist Society and served as a law clerk with Justice Clarence Thomas at the Supreme Court of the United States and with Judge J. Michael Luttig at the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. Dr. Eastman practiced with the national law firm of Kirkland & Ellis, specializing in major civil and constitutional litigation at both the trial and appellate levels. Dr. Eastman earned his J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School, where he graduated with high honors in 1995. Dr. Eastman also has a Ph.D.… Read More

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