The AG Wants to Know: Conan or Leno?
California’s Attorney General Jerry Brown wants to know: Are you on Team Coco or Team Leno? This morning the presumed gubernatorial candidate tweeted: @JerryBrown2010 Big debate at the campaign office… Where do you stand? http://www.jerrybrown.org/node/590.
The link takes visitors to the Brown for Governor 2010 Exploratory Committee web site, where there is the following poll:
Pick a Team: Team Coco or Team Leno?
Big debate at the campaign office… Where do you stand? If you provide your name, zip code and e-mail, you’ll be entered into a drawing for a vintage 1974 "Brown for Governor" bumper sticker signed by Jerry.
Since the NBC debacle is the most interesting contest in California right now, it was only a matter of time before politicians began weighing in. How convenient and environmentally conscious for Brown torecycle his “vintage” 1974 bumper stickers…… Read More