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Bill Leonard

The Perfect Issue

After listening to a clip (thanks ) of the hearing on Assemblyman Logue’s bill to suspend the state’s Anti-Global Warming Act (AB 32) until the economy is better, I am convinced that there is no more perfect issue for politicians than global warming. Strike that –than global climate change. Now strike that — than man-induced global climate change. Unlike early childhood education programs where you have to wait 13 years to measure if they worked or not, with the man-induced global climate change issue you will have to wait a century or two to know who was right. No politician voting today will ever be held accountable for being wrong on this issue.

It is really a faith-based issue. One side places their faith in the principle that man has caused a terrible problem that the planet is unable to accommodate, and that man must fix it. The other side places their faith in a planet that has absorbed planet-wide catastrophes in the past and will continue to do so in the future. Science is being used by both sides to justify conclusions, but in reality legislators’ positions are more… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Elect Brown (R-Mass)

For the first time in three decades, Massachusetts has a Republican U.S. Senator. Awesome. A fine 'tribute' to scoundrel former Senator Ted Kennedy!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chuck DeVore’s Campaign: Helping Scott Brown

I caught up with Assemblyman and U.S. Senate candidate Chuck DeVore as well as Republican National Committeeman Shawn Steel in the heart of the State Capitol. DeVore had a lot to say about his experiences making GOTV calls for Scott Brown, the now U.S. Senator-Elect for Massachusetts…

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Jill Buck

California Republicans … Learn from Scott Brown

I’ve listened to all the FOX News pundits tonight, and they have all missedan important point. The reason Scott Brown won is the same reason that Senator McCain could have if his campaign (post-Super Tuesday) hadn’t been manhandled by the “Victory” operation. Like Senator McCain, Scott Brown is his own man, and Brown said it best tonight, “I know who I am, and I know who I serve.” He appeals to Republicans AND independents AND what we used to call Reagan Democrats, (until some wonk or another decided we couldn’t woo them any longer.) Do you know how many non-Republicans worked on Scott Brown’s campaign, and were in the room when he gave his victory speech tonight? If not, I hope you’ll find out. Do you know how many PUMA’s, how many hard working union Democrats, how many pro-life Democratic Catholics, and how many independent thinkers would have worked their tails off for Senator McCain if they hadn’t had to make calls for … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Who isn’t on my flight?

I'm off to Sacramento from John Wayne Airport, and today's flight it a political lalapalooza… Also flying on this Southwest flight: Senator Mimi Walters, retired State Senators Joe Dunn and Dick Ackerman, Assemblyman Jim Silva, Assemblywoman Diane Harkey, Secretary of State candidate Damon Dunn, California Medical Association President (and fellow Orange County Reserve Deputy Sheriff) Brennan Cassiday, HJTA President Jon Coupal, CRP Northwest Vice Chairman Patricia Welch, CRP Treasurer Keith Carlson, RNC Committeewoman Linda Ackerman, and… I think that's it. Whew.

Wheels up!… Read More

Mike Spence

Who will Replace Anthony Adams?

The surprise decision by Assemblyman Adams not to seek re-election to the 59th Assembly District has set off a scramble for the sprawling Los Angeles and San Bernardino County seat. The 59th District contains all or parts of the Eastern Los Angeles County communities of. Los Angeles County communities of Claremont, La Verne, Glendora, San Dimas, Sierra Madre, Monrovia, Bradbury, Arcadia and La Crescenta then suddenly goes north through the Angeles Forest and East into San Bernardino to take in the San Bernardino County communities of Apple Valley, Hesperia, Lake Arrowhead, Crestline, San Bernardino, Highland and Mentone. It is a district that makes the case for redistricting reform As a result the two sections really don’t have much in common. Except that many in the SB County portions grew up in the San Gabriel Valley. The first draft of this district in the 2000 reapportionment had it running along the 210 freeway into Upland to Rancho Cucamonga. The story goes that someone wanted to run for Assembly in those areas and didn’t want to challenge the incumbent Dennis Mountjoy. Next draft solved that problem and opened up a new 63rd… Read More

Jon Fleischman

On The Passing Of Meg Whitman’s Mother

Word comes this morning that yesterday Meg Whitman's mother passed away. Our heart-felt prayers go out to the entire Whitman family during this time of loss.

Meg Whitman's mother, Margaret resided in Massachusetts, and was 89 years old.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Speech You Won’t Want To Miss

Scott Baugh has served as Chairman of the Orange County Republican Party for over five and a half years. Prior to that he served in the California State Legislator for nearly as long, and was elected by his peers as Assembly Republican Leader. In all of that time, Baugh has given hundreds, if not thousands of speeches.

Tonight, to use Baugh’s own words, he will deliver, "The most important speech of my life."

At 7pm this evening, hundreds of Republicans will converge on the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine for the first meeting of the year for the Orange County Central Committee. Everyone is buzzing as word has spread that Chairman Baugh has been cloistered away — writing, honing and perfecting a speech that… Read More

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