Tom Harman leads in AG Survey
Wednesday was a great day all around. Not only did Scott Brown win an incredible victory in Massachusetts, but I saw polling numbers that show Tom Harman is leading all potential opponents to be our Republican nominee for Attorney General. Like many of you, I believe the tide is turning in our country and our state. Tom has always been a great supporter of mine, an excellent conservative particularly when it comes to holding the line on the budget and strengthening our criminal justice system and an aggressive fundraiser. This new survey of 500 registered Republican likely voters (see below) shows decisively that Harman is the frontrunner for the GOP nomination.
These results, along with his support from leading “3 Strikes and You’re Out” champion Mike Reynolds, are extremely strong indicators about the strength of his campaign and our opportunity to put this seat back in the GOP column – particularly when you consider that these same 500 Republicans said they would be more likely to support a… Read More