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BOE Member George Runner

Governor’s constitutional amendment called ‘unwise’ by Legislative Analyst’s Office

In a report released today, the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office called on the California Legislature to reject the Governor’s proposed constitutional amendment that would restrict the state’s spending decisions on universities and prisons.

The LAO nixed the proposal because:

1. (it) would unwisely constrain the state’s ability to allocate funding where it is most needed each year;

2. is unnecessary, as the state already had the ability to shift funding among programs without this constitutional amendment.

Read the LAO report here.

I agree with the LAO for the reasons stated and because the Governor conveniently omitted the billions of dollars California taxpayers spend on community colleges (read my blog post from Jan. 6) in an effort to skew the argument.

Even though the Legislature should reject the Governor’s proposal, that doesn’t mean we should walk away from our responsibility to trim unnecessary… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

California prisons to begin abandoning paroled prisoners in communities throughout the state

Demonstrating a level of responsibility lower than that of a teenage mother who leaves an infant on the steps of a church, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation will soon be depositing unsupervised felons in neighborhoods near you.

As part of an unrelenting effort to reduce criminal sentences, eliminate parole supervision and shift its responsibilities to county law enforcement, Corrections will today commence granting early release credits (without any requirement that they be earned) and designate tens of thousands of inmates for release without parole supervision.

The unsupervised release of prisoners also absolves Corrections from any responsibility to provide parolees with training or medical care or even bus passes. From the myopic perspective of Corrections, ignoring parolees saves money. Yet ignoring offenders who have the greatest rehabilitation potential simply increases the likelihood they will fail.

Indeed, this very administration abandoned its prior policy of ignoring parole violations in 2005 when the Sacramento Bee published an in-depth article that documented a dramatic increase of new felonies among parolees whose… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

And….Congress Returns

Quote of the Week: Don’t worry I didn’t forget a quote of the week this week, but it is really long…but it’s very good, so I decided to put it at the bottom on this missive, so scroll down!

We’re Baaaack: Last Wednesday, both Houses of Congress returned to Washington for the second session of the 111th Congress. So, your life, liberty, and property are once again in jeopardy. You haven’t heard from me for a while over the holidays, but I will make up for that soon. This is the first of 4blogs I willpublish over the course of the next week. Today I want to give you a little flavor of what people in California have been telling and asking me during the roughly 4 weeks that I was home. Tomorrow, I’ll do a quick review of where many pending issues are right now. On Wednesday, the President will give his first State of the Union address (although it is his 3rd address to a joint session of Congress in 12 months) and I’ll provide you with the insider’s view the next day. Then on Friday, Republican House members (including this one) will be at our annual retreat, which is in Baltimore, Maryland this year. The… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

White House Party Crashers Are Actually “Undocumented Guests”

Check out this short You Tube clip of Congressman Ted Poe (R-Texas) reading a letterwhich questions why the White House and others are so upset about the couple who crashed a state dinner in November, saying, "Is it appropriate and politically correct to call them party crashers just because they trespassed?" Too funny.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Eric Eisenhammer Cartoon: CARB’s Flat Tire

FR readers will recall that recently there was some controversy over an idea floated by the California Air Resources Board to actually put into place regulations requiring that your car tire pressure be checked to make sure they are at a state-mandate pressure.

FR friend and San Diego U-T Editorial writer Chris Reed wrote about the regulation’s proposal,and withdrawal.

Conservative cartoonist Eric Eishammer drew this cartoon. We hope you enjoy it! Look for more great cartoons from Eric soon!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Campaign Announces Grassroots Coalition Team

Later this morning the Fiorina for U.S. Senate campaign will announce the formation of 17 new coalition groups in support of her campaign. Those new groups, and their leaders, are listed below. Fiorina will announce that she has tapped Gayle Pacheco, Chuck McDougald and Evie Coss to lead her grassroots leadership team.

Pacheco is currently president and owner of Western Hardware Company, an industrial hardware manufacturer and distributor. In addition to serving on the Walnut Valley Unified School District Personnel Commission, Pacheco also sits on the State Rehabilitation Council and is vice chair of the Governor’s Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities. Pacheco was previously an elected member of the Mt. San Antonio College Board of Trustees and has served as an appointee to the California Workforce Investment Board. Pacheco’s husband, Bob, served in the California legislature. McDougald, a Vietnam War veteran, served… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’S Steve Moore: Meg Whitman vs. The Welfare State

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Bill Leonard

Republicans Need to be Humble & Empower the People

It is clear the voters are engaged and angry. I say one thing they pine for is more humility from elected representatives. The atmosphere calls out for political leaders who are well grounded in reality. Independents who are coming back to the GOP are doing so because the Democrats are topping the collective baloney meter. America considers itself under assault by those who hold the reins of power and they are rallying to the idea that the whole enterprise of government is a cancerous lesion that hurts more than it helps.

I suggest Republicans engage the angry voters by modifying their rhetoric to be more humble and to acknowledge that America’s greatness is entirely owed to the freedom of its citizens. I cringe when I hear electeds of either party say that government needs to create jobs. Even the imperial, "we must create jobs" does not sit well. Why? Because the voters know that elected officials do not create any jobs except government jobs. When elected officials, all of whom have a job, engage in the claim they are the font and source of jobs it is off-putting to people who do not have a job. Face it: if the government could,… Read More

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