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Jon Fleischman

Schwarzenegger Abandons His Party On Judicial Appointments, Again

Looking on the calendar, I see it’s less than a year before registered Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger finishes his tenure in office. Normally, a Republican Governor going into his last term with a Democrat-controlled legislature, would have as one area where he can appoint Republicans to positions of lasting influence, is the filling of vacancies Judgeships around California. These appointments, unlike many, do not require confirmation votes.

So it pains me to no end, as an officer of the California Republican Party, and as a common sense conservative who would like to see Republicans appointed as judges, to see Schwarzenegger routinely passing over qualified GOPers for the bench.

Yesterday would be a classic example. The Governor’s office typically announces new Judicial picks by issuing press releases — county by county. Yesterday they started to roll out – five in total. As they came out, I would look… First one, from Republican Madara County — nope, didn’t appoint a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Chief of Staff for Senate Republicans Off To PG&E

We hear at the FlashReport would like to offer our hearty congratulations to longtime FR friend Russell Lowery. Yesterday Lowery informed the Senate Republican Caucus that he would be leaving his position as Chief of Staff to except a position with Pacific Gas & Electric’s Sacramento office. Lowery has had a long tenure working for conservatives in the state legislature, and is well regarded for both his commitment to his core values, and an ability to be smart about how to best achieve definable victories for Republicans – a challenge in an institution where Republicans are the minority party.

We caught up with Russell’s boss, Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, who shared with us a few thoughts, “Russell has been a leader for our caucus staff, and has been good Chief of Staff and counselor to me. He will be missed here, but I know I speak for all Senate Republicans when I extend my congratulations to him in his new career.” Russell’s last day with the Senate will be in early February, but there’s not a whole lot he can really do now anyways. There are all kinds of laws that prohibit someone who has accepted an external job… Read More

Congressman John Campbell


Quote of the Day: "Here’s what I ask of Congress, though: Do not walk away from reform. Not now. Not when we are so close."President Barrack Obama last night referring to his call to pass the government-run health care bill

State of the Union: Unbelievable. That’s my primary comment about the President’s speech last night. Unbelievable. This President continues to surprise me with his insistence on pushing an extreme agenda in spite of overwhelming evidence of that agenda’s failure and its wide unpopularity with the people. I really expected him to pivot last night and try to make a fresh start on the country’s increasing problems. I was wrong.

Instead, he basically doubled down on his agenda of last year. As the excerpt above indicates, he still wants his government run health care bill passed. Apparently, the strategy now is to try and pass the Senate bill in the House and then use the reconciliation process (requires only 51 votes in the Senate) to make some changes to satisfy Pelosi and House Democrats. He called for passage of the national energy… Read More

Jon Fleischman


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Jon Fleischman

ROLL CALL: Radanovich: Pombo Should Have ‘Run in His Own District’

This ran in Roll Call today… Radanovich: Pombo Should Have ‘Run in His Own District’ By Emily Cadei Roll Call Staff Jan. 28, 2010, 5:06 p.m. Rep. George Radanovich (R-Calif.) wants to make one thing clear: He believes state Sen. Jeff Denham, not formeýr Rep. Richard Pombo, is the best GOP candidate to succeed him when he retires this year.Read More

Mike Spence

Mountjoy Endorses in 59th Assembly District Race

A few interesting developments that add to my original post.

Dick Mountjoy has endorsed Chris Lancaster. Mountjoy and later his son represented the 59th Assembly District. Mountjoy cites Lancaster’s Family Values and commitment on taxes. This is big endorsement that will help Lancaster with conservatives in the district. A big endorsement for Lancaster.

Also, Brett Henry the President of the local firefighters union has decided not run.

Stay tuned… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ron Nehring: Update From The RNC Meeting In Hawaii

The Republican National Committee is currently meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. California’s three representatives are on hand — National Committeeman Shawn Steel, Committeewoman Linda Ackerman, and State Chairman Ron Nehring. Nehring has penned a quick update for FR readers which he just sent in from paradise…

Members of the Republican National Committee meeting this week are working with a vastly different, and improved, national political dynamic than the one we faced when Chairman Michael Steele was elected one year ago. Increasing numbers of Americans are identifying with our party, dissatisfaction with the Democrats’ agenda in Washington is sky high, and Americans are most concerned about those issues which are traditional Republican strengths: economic growth, job creation and winning the global war on terror.Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Ghost Of Tax Hike Proposals Past Coming Back To Haunt Poizner?

[Cross-posted from]

Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner’s gubernatorial campaign spent much of last year rubbing up against conservative opinion leaders, trying to shed the skin of his earlier political incarnation as a center-left Republican and convince the rank-and-file that the metamorphosis is genuine.

And doing a pretty good job of it. For example, he’s put forward solid budget and economic proposals that would, if adopted, put California on a path to economic growth and stable, balanced budgets.

Unfortunately for Poizner, the past isn’t so easily banished: Superintendent of Public Instruction Jack O’Connell is calling for passage of state Sen. Joe Simitian’s state constitutional amendment to lower the threshold for passing parcel taxes from two-thirds to just 55%.

This is exactly the same proposal Poizner pushed as a leader of Taxpayers for School… Read More

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