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Jon Fleischman

KCBS News Story On Lavish, Wasteful State Spending

I found myself on the campaign website of Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher today (yes, your websites do get visited by those of us in the blogging world). Fletcher gets an A+ for his site — others should pay heed. Anyways, I found this great news story on his site, and thought I would share it…

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Jon Fleischman

Eric Eisenhammer Cartoon: No Free Parking!

FlashReport is pleased to present this week’s cartoon from our in-house cartoonist Eric Eisenhammer. In this piece, entitled No Free Parking, Eisenhammer lampoons legislation introduced by State Senator Alan Lowenthal that would actually create incentives for local government to start to phase out… free parking. Seriously. You can read more about it here.

Lowenthal told the LA Times, "Free parking has significant social, economic and environmental costs. It increases congestion and greenhouse gas emissions."

You can’t make this stuff up.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Voter Reg Dips In Areas Where GOP Legislators Supported Higher Taxes

This morning I read an article in the Riverside Press Enterprise that looked at voter registration figures, and it showed the despite growing unpopularity with this President, Democrat registration in the state is slightly up, and in several key areas of the state, Republican registration is going down. The part that I found to be most interesting was some of the places that were specifically mentioned in the article where GOP registration is dropping, and DTS registration is going up — Stanislaus County, Monterey County and San Bernardino County. There were big Democrat gains in Fresno County.

These are areas of the state represented in the legislature by Republicans who in a very high profile manner violated their voluntary, written pledges not to raise taxes last year — and in fact voter for higher taxes on income, sales and automobiles — and voter to place the doubling (in length) of these taxes before voters. Needless to say it was controversial and generated a lot of attention in those areas especially.

Now there many be a lot of different factors that effect voter registration in those specific areas (localized paid efforts, etc.)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Video: Highlight of Maldo Confirmation Hearing Before Assembly Rules Committee

FR friend Eric Reslock put together this video highlighting some of the more "fun" moments of the Maldonado Lt. Governor confirmation hearing in the Assembly Rules Committee yesterday.

The Assembly Rules Committee voted to allow the full Assembly to vote on the matter, but without recommending his approval.

We here at FR recommend the rejection of his nomination. It was bad enough last year when Maldonado rather boldly withheld his vote on the February budget deal only until he forced the legislature to place the so-called open primary measure on the ballot. We add insult to injury if we now "promote" him and give him this high office from which to campaign for that measure the next four months. If you vote to confirm Maldonado, that is de facto support for Proposition 14.

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Jon Fleischman

CRA To Score Maldo Vote…

Just got this sent over from the CRA — a letter they just faxed around to all California legislators:

February 9, 2010 Re: Opposition to the Confirmation of Senator Maldonado Dear Senator/Assemblyman: The California Republican Assembly is strongly OPPOSED to the confirmation of Senator Abel Maldonado for the position of Lieutenant Governor of California. On behalf of the California Republican Assembly, the California Republican Party, and all the citizens ofRead More

James V. Lacy

Lt. Governor Hertzberg?

Republican State Senator Abel Maldonado’s appointment by the Governor to the position of Lt. Governor has now been approved by the Senate Rules committee and "forwarded without recommendation" by the appropriate Assembly committee. Votes on the Senate and Assembly floors could occur any time now up to about February 22. If the houses do not act, Maldo will be confirmed.

The press seems to think that Maldo will be approved by the Senate but will have a rougher time in the Assembly, which could reject the nomination. If Maldo is rejected, what will happen?

The San Francisco Chronicle’s Matier and Ross column today has an insight on what will happen: they say that the Governor may very well appoint former Assembly Speaker Robert Hertzberg to the position, and the Legislature will need to go through the whole process again. Because the Maldo nomination will be at its end before filing for statewide office closes in early March, Hertzberg would be well-situated to open a political committee to run for the office as well.

Hertzberg was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

11 GOP State Senators Come Out Against Prop. 14 The “Top Two” Election System That Limits Voter Choice

Over two-thirds of Republican State Senators have officially come out against Proposition 14, the measure authored by their colleague, Abel Maldonado, that would have the effect of limiting voter choice, and ultimately lead to higher taxes in California.

Attached to this blog post is a copy of the letter signed by Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, Senate Republican Leader-Elect Bob Dutton, and nine other Senate Republicans including Sam Aanestad, Roy Ashburn, Jeff Denham, Tom Harman, Bob Huff, George Runner, Tony Strickland, Mimi Walters and Mark Wyland,

It is significant to note that this list of Senators opposing Prop. 14 includes some who were forced to vote to place Proposition 14 on the ballot as part of the legislative "blackmail" (our description for it, not one given to us by anyone else) of last February.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

San Bernardino County’s Postmus, Irwin Re-Arrested, New Charges On Both

Former San Bernardino County Assessor, former Supervisor and former San Bernardino County GOP Chairman Bill Postmus has been arrested again, with substantial charges leveled at him. His former aide, Jim Erwin, was also arrested again, with substantial new charges leveled at him.

Read more here.… Read More

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