Report from CPAC
I am currently sipping coffee and seated in the Green Room next to the stage listening to Governor Tim Pawlenty’s great speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference at the Marriott Wardman in Washington, DC. “God is in charge,” says the Governor. Amen! Pawlenty did us the honor of speaking in Newport Beach at the Western CPAC last October. Also here in the Green Room is Wall Street Journal writer John Fund, who is waiting to speak, and who also joined us at WCPAC, and Tom Winter, editor of Human Events, a prime CPAC sponsor, whom I have been demonstrating the new iPhone CPAC application to. (I think Tom prefers paper agendas). John Fund just gave me a ringing endorsement of Western CPAC, which will be held Oct. 15-16 in Newport Beach. To paraphrase, John said events like Western CPAC are “vital” to ensure that a regional and local perspective on conservatism is fostered. CPAC provides the national perspective, WCPAC provides the regional perspective. John says “don’t forget I’m a Californian!” and says he definitely will be attending and speaking at the next WCPAC.… Read More