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James V. Lacy

Report from CPAC

I am currently sipping coffee and seated in the Green Room next to the stage listening to Governor Tim Pawlenty’s great speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference at the Marriott Wardman in Washington, DC. “God is in charge,” says the Governor. Amen! Pawlenty did us the honor of speaking in Newport Beach at the Western CPAC last October. Also here in the Green Room is Wall Street Journal writer John Fund, who is waiting to speak, and who also joined us at WCPAC, and Tom Winter, editor of Human Events, a prime CPAC sponsor, whom I have been demonstrating the new iPhone CPAC application to. (I think Tom prefers paper agendas). John Fund just gave me a ringing endorsement of Western CPAC, which will be held Oct. 15-16 in Newport Beach. To paraphrase, John said events like Western CPAC are “vital” to ensure that a regional and local perspective on conservatism is fostered. CPAC provides the national perspective, WCPAC provides the regional perspective. John says “don’t forget I’m a Californian!” and says he definitely will be attending and speaking at the next WCPAC.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Out and about at CPAC

Just said hello to Steve Poizner at CPAC, who was huddling with Americans for Tax Reform and fellow ACU board member Grover Norquist in the coffee shop. I was able to tell him personally I just received his campaign’s check for my biggest slate card, “Lew Uhler’s National Tax Limitation Committee Early Voter Guide”. I’d say he is in the race all the way. California GOP chief Ron Nehring walked up to see Steve just as I was leaving. Conservative bad boy Floyd Brown and I decided to go to the bar for cokes and stopped on the way to talk to David Bossie, the head of Citizens United (which was founded by Floyd) to congratulate him on his big recent Supreme Court victory. CPAC staff say there will be 10,000 registered participants at this event. Wow!… Read More

James V. Lacy

A few other CPAC ramblings

I learned that the American Conservative Union will be holding a fundraiser at the Nixon Library in Orange County in late April, and the featured speaker will be ACU Board member and former UN Ambassador, the Honorable John Bolton. $250 a head. Hopefully a good "cross-marketing" platform for Western CPAC in October in Newport Beach. And John Bolton is a superb speaker and a great American. Stay tuned…..Stepped out of CPAC briefly to celebrity chief Charlie Palmer’s on Capitol Hill for a quick lunch and saw former Republican Congressional Majority Leader Dick Armey holding court at the next table, and at a nearby table, "that blond woman who is always on Hannity," (Floyd Brown’s observation) whoever that is……….We had stripped bass and walleye pike, a Midwest favorite. Will attend the CPAC speech tonight, not eat, then off to The Palm for a late dinner with Steve Some, who was once, and with recent electoral changes will soon be again, the premier state government lobbyist in New Jersey……..CPAC is full of young people – smiling, fresh, earnest young faces, male and female alike, just waiting… Read More

Saturday Mail Delivery on the Chopping Block – Problem for Politics

Top CA political printer Vince Monaco just set outan articlethat talks about a USPS plan to cut Saturday delivery to street addresses.Congress would have to approve the plan and if they don’t the Postal Service CFO says the USPSwill go broke.

This change wouldhave a huge impact on political campaigns which would have fewer mail days to communicate with voters before elections. Typically Saturday is the last day you want to plan mail to hit voters’ mailboxes, partly because Monday is a buffer day in case it doesn’t arrive over the weekend. Now with no mail delivery on Saturday or Sunday, Monday’s mailboxes will be that much more full and there is a better chance that political mail will be lost in the pile.

The article says mail willstill be processed on Saturday – you could still make drop offs and mail would still be transportedbetweenprocessing plants.

Monacosays the proposal, if passed wouldbe a game changer.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Status Of CRP Convention Debates

Jon Fleischman Vice Chairman, South – California Republican PartyRead More

Jon Fleischman

The 30 Seconds I’ve Already Seen

The Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate Campaign has launched a new website,

I was hipped to the new site by this enticing tweet: … Read More

Mike Spence

More 59th Assembly District: Who did Jim Brulte Endorse?

Yesterday at a Luncheon featuring Dianne Feinstein (She is hoping that Democrats defeat the Republican minority that is to blame for all our problems next year) a few attendees complained I hadn’t posted anything new on the 59th Assembly District race. Here is a quick update. Follow the links for more info. Michael Rogers appears to no longer be running. Claremont Mayor Corey Calaycay has a kick-off this Sunday in Claremont. He has several former and current legislative staffers helping his campaign. Ken Hunter is till running a grassroots campaign. He is the candidate that I think can be fairly described as coming out the Tea Party Movement. … Read More

James V. Lacy

Chris Lehane: Disclose Your Finances By March 12

Democrat dirty-trickster Chris Lehane, who coined the phrase "vast right-wing conspiracy" famously used by Hillary Clinton as an evasive one-liner, is being paid millions by public employee labor unions to try to unnerve the campaign of Republican Governor candidate Meg Whitman. His success, whether focused on Whitman or Poizner, will only serve further dysfunction in California government. He claims Whitman is "someone connected to Wall Street" (as if that is a bad thing) who should let the public know if she has paid her "fair share of taxes" by disclosing tax returns, which are confidential documents filed with the IRS. I think Lehane’s Harvard Law degree is scarier than Meg Whitman’s success in business. California’s dysfunction is owed in no small measure to Democrats with Harvard law degrees.

Of course, Lehane’s spin for tax return disclosure is just that. The candidates for Governor and any other office in California are already required to disclose their finances in more than just general terms by filing California Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700. The Whitman campaign is required… Read More

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