A Sober One-Year Anniversary for Stimulus in California
This morning I read the Governor’s Weekly Address and decided that it needed a conservative response. The whole address was a “celebration” of the one-year anniversary of the federal stimulus plan. It’s hardly an anniversary worth celebrating, but considering California’s recent proclivity to beg the feds for more aid, I guess the influx of cash would excite government bureaucrats.
Throughout the speech the Governor praises the virtues of massive government spending, taking credit for putting “40,000 young people into summer jobs,” and delivering “650,000 warm meals to seniors.” Since when is the government responsible for employing young people and doing the work performed much better by private charities? Sounds a little too much like “cradle to grave” government.
The Governor also touts the $12.8 billion “being put to work in programs to both train and fund jobs,” and $13.8 billion in “programs like MediCal and unemployment.” Again, when government “creates” jobs, it is not really a productive job because it doesn’t produce prosperity, it requires private sector jobs to fund it. And with the growing government bureaucracy,… Read More