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Jon Fleischman

The 30 Seconds I’ve Already Seen

The Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate Campaign has launched a new website,

I was hipped to the new site by this enticing tweet: … Read More

Mike Spence

More 59th Assembly District: Who did Jim Brulte Endorse?

Yesterday at a Luncheon featuring Dianne Feinstein (She is hoping that Democrats defeat the Republican minority that is to blame for all our problems next year) a few attendees complained I hadn’t posted anything new on the 59th Assembly District race. Here is a quick update. Follow the links for more info. Michael Rogers appears to no longer be running. Claremont Mayor Corey Calaycay has a kick-off this Sunday in Claremont. He has several former and current legislative staffers helping his campaign. Ken Hunter is till running a grassroots campaign. He is the candidate that I think can be fairly described as coming out the Tea Party Movement. … Read More

James V. Lacy

Chris Lehane: Disclose Your Finances By March 12

Democrat dirty-trickster Chris Lehane, who coined the phrase "vast right-wing conspiracy" famously used by Hillary Clinton as an evasive one-liner, is being paid millions by public employee labor unions to try to unnerve the campaign of Republican Governor candidate Meg Whitman. His success, whether focused on Whitman or Poizner, will only serve further dysfunction in California government. He claims Whitman is "someone connected to Wall Street" (as if that is a bad thing) who should let the public know if she has paid her "fair share of taxes" by disclosing tax returns, which are confidential documents filed with the IRS. I think Lehane’s Harvard Law degree is scarier than Meg Whitman’s success in business. California’s dysfunction is owed in no small measure to Democrats with Harvard law degrees.

Of course, Lehane’s spin for tax return disclosure is just that. The candidates for Governor and any other office in California are already required to disclose their finances in more than just general terms by filing California Statement of Economic Interests, Form 700. The Whitman campaign is required… Read More

James V. Lacy

Federal Court overturns IE limits in San Diego

A Federal court in San Diego yesterday issued a permanent injunction against the City of San Diego’s $500 contribution limit per person to independent expenditure committees involved in City elections. The ruling quotes the recent Citizens United case we have written about, and is a logical step, following the U.S. Supreme Court’s predicate, on the path of ultimately banning limitations on contributions to Federal PACs that engage in independent expenditure advocacy. Congratulations to the San Diego County GOP and their great election attorney, Jim Bopp, Jr.

Attached is a copy of the ruling.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

The Secretary of HHS Crosses a Line

The following is a letter that appeared in a recent edition of Managed Care Weekend Update (2/13/10), published by Oppenheimer & Co, an investment and banking company.This letter is a great response to the Obama Administration’s (and Assemblyman Dave Jones (D-Sacramento) reaction to the rate increases recently implemented by Anthem/Blue Cross (WellPoint).This is a must read for those in Sacramento preparing for the Jones hearing on this issue next week.Steve Poizner’s staff should read it as well. As the writer points out, this is all just "political grandstanding" to try to force through a health care reform package that the public doesn’t seem to want. The Secretary of HHS Crosses a Line Dear Secretary Sebelius: Reading through your last two letters to WellPoint, it seems like the crux of … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nearly 25% Of GOP State Committee Responds To Convention Debate Survey

I just sent this out to the CRP membership…


Last Saturday I wrote to you about the question that will be coming before the California Republican Party Board of Directors – whether or not to extend invitations to the Republican candidates for Governor, Attorney General and United States Senate to participate in debates at our upcoming convention next month in Santa Clara.

In that e-mail I mentioned that the Board would be voting on a proposed resolution to that effect today. I wanted to let you know that our meeting ended up not taking place today, but that will be convening for a telephonic Board meeting on Thursday morning at 8:30am.

I would like to share with you that I have heard back from nearly a quarter of the State Central Committee members, and by a staggering proportion, they would likeRead More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Campaign Chairman Brulte Pens Letter

This just in…


Dear Friend, Like many other supporters of Steve Poizner, you have probably been contacted recently by operatives for the Meg Whitman for Governor Campaign. These operatives have one simple message: Steve Poizner cannot win, you need to join the Whitman team, and we will remember you if you fail to join us. In fact, one Whitman operative recently threatened a $40 million negative attack campaign against Steve Poizner if he did not withdraw from the race.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rasmussen: Whitman Tied With Brown At 43%

The well-respected Rasmussen public opinion research company today has released some new survey data on the California Governor’s race with some pretty significant results…

Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman now runs dead even with likely Democratic nominee Jerry Brown in California’s gubernatorial contest. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely California voters finds Republican hopeful Whitman and Brown tied with 43% each. Six percent (6%) like some other candidate, and eight percent (8%) are undecided. A month ago, Brown, a longtime California political figure who now serves as attorney general, posted a four-point lead over Whitman, 43% to 39%. InRead More

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