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Jon Fleischman

Pardon Our Dust

The main page will be up a little late today as we’ve been working with our development team on a widening of the main page. This minor change on the main page will allow us to feature more content there. We’ll write more about the changes, but you can check them out now.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Fiorina’s Masters Dissertation On Education: Decidedly Un-Conservative

[Cross-posted from]

"My research has taken me on a frequently unpredictable, always fascinating, odyssey. Like most good journeys, I did not end up quite where I thought I would, nor did I take the path I thought I might. Where I had anticipated concluding that business must play an ever-growing role if we are to adequately address the education concerns of our nation, I have ended by deciding that although business can and must play a vital role, it also must be necessarily limited. Where I began as a proponent of “States’ Rights” in education, I have ended by believing that we will never meet our own expectations of public education unless the federal government is willing to play a consistent, long-term role; unless education truly becomes a matter of national policy, not just a matter of national rhetoric."

These words were written by Carly Fiorina in the introduction to her 1989 doctoral dissertation for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which came into this blogger’s possession a short time ago. Later this afternoon, Iwill post here at Red County the entire dissertation.

Entitled… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Our Apologies

Our modifications to the main page have met with some technical difficulties in publishing up today’s news links on the main page, and some functionality of the blog scan feature relative to the new main page tool. We are working on resolving the issues.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mountjoy Urges CRA Delegates To Endorse Poizner.

This weekend themembers of the California Republican Assembly, the state’s premier conservative grassroots GOP organization, will meet in Orange County for their annual convention. At this event, the CRA will consider making endorsements in Republican statewide primaries.

Below is a letter that was sent out to CRA convention delegates from well-respected former State Legislators and former CRA State President Dick Mountjoy — urging delegates to support an endorsement of Steve Poizner.

From what we hear, it will either be a Poizner endorsement or none at all — Whitman’s not in the hunt to gain support from this key group. But she’s making a play to try tstop Poizner from getting the required and tough 2/3rds vote. Both Poizner and Whitman are speaking at the event.

It is worthy of note that Poizner was endorsement by the CRA in his successful 2006 bid for Insurance Commissioner.

The Mountjoy Letter…

CRA Delegates:Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Releases The “You Can’t Trust Steve” Ring Tone

It’s only early March and we already have "attack ring tones" being released. Below you can play this ditty released by the Whitman campaign. Their campaign advises that at you can download the ring-tone to your your phone – nice, just in time for the State GOP convention!

I hear Joe Mathews may have downloaded it already!

Always quick with response is Poizner’s Comm Director Jarrod Agen…

"When you’re an out-of-touch billionaire, it is easy to waste millions on negative ads in an attempt to be ‘humorous,’ but unfortunately there are millions of Californians out of work and struggling to find jobs. Meg Whitman has offered no plans to solve California’s economic crisis and all the jingles in the world won’t hide her endorsements of Barbara Boxer and Al Gore or her opposition to across-the-board tax cuts."Read More

Jon Fleischman

New CRP Video Takes A Closer Look At Jerry Brown’s Announcement Video…

The California Republican Party has gone through Jerry Brown’s "Announcement Video" and applied some truth serum. You should definitely watch this…

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Jon Fleischman

CBS TV: Anti-Gay Lawmaker At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest

A FR reader brought to our attention that a local network news station in Sacramento, Channel 13 (the CBS affiliate), is running a video story here and a print story (below) that makes some… startling… observations about some circumstances surrounding Senator Ashburn’s arrest for Driving Under the Influence last evening… We’ll contact the Senator’s office to see if they have any comment on this CBS story…

Anti-Gay Lawmaker At Gay Club Before DUI Arrest CBS – 13 – Sacramento Sources tell CBS13 a state senator from Southern California was arrested for allegedly driving drunk after leaving Faces, a gay nightclub in midtownRead More

Shawn Steel

Taliban gains foothold in Justice Dept

Had to read this twice. House Republicans complained for weeks than many of Obama’s political appointeesto the US Justice Dept —defended terrorists. In fact, Congressmen claimed that Eric Holder and Obama were stacking the Justice Dept with top officials sympathetic to "enemy combatants."The problem is simply conflict of interest. Given inside knowledge of terrorist strategies, what are these lawyers doing in top Justice positions? Seriously, whose side are they on, is a fair question.

You can’t make this up. This is truly stranger than fiction.

So here it is from today’s LA Times, word for word about the Sympathetic Seven :

" The Obama appointees identified Wednesday:

Jonathan Cedarbaum, in the Office of Legal Counsel, and Eric Columbus, who works under the deputy attorney general, were part of a legal defense team for Bosnian Algerian detainees and brought a case to the Supreme Court that resulted in the right of captives to challenge their detention.

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