Yesterday’s “Railyard Incident” Should Mark An End To Whitman’s “Media Avoidance” Strategy
Having gotten to know many of the members of the press corps that cover California politics, I have found them to for the most part be pretty fair and balanced. There is always an occasional example of some liberal reporter going too far — but generally, for our part here in the Golden State, we’ve got a good crew of reporters (almost all of whom invariably voted for President Obama – but then again, so did most Americans).
There is no good reason for Meg Whitman and her campaign to go through Herculean efforts to avoid meaningful dialogue with the California press corps. All it does is feed speculation that she has good reason to do so, when I don’t think that is the case. I have heard Whitman in intimate campaign settings, and have myself sat down with her on more than one occasion writing for this website. I’m confident that she would do just fine in media interviews.
As a Republican Party officer, who is neutral in this primary and is waiting on the proverbial "50 yard line" to help our nominee win the office in November, I really do believe that practice makes perfect where it comes to media interviews.… Read More