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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Shock Poll: Patterson Tied for Lead n Congressional 19

A new Survey USA poll shows former Mayor Jim Patterson tied for the lead with State Senator Jeff Denham in the race to succeed retiring Congressman George Radanovich. The shocking part of the poll is that former member of Congress Richard Pombo in in 3rd place, well back of the leaders.

Now, while I have not made a personal endorsement in this race (that’s coming), it is interesting to note that Mr. Patterson has literally spent zero money promoting his campaign, while both Denham and Pombo have been hitting the airwaves regularly in their quest to become better know in the Fresno market.

Powerful ag and business interests have lined up behind Pombo, as well as respected Member of Congress Devin Nunes, but the question remains: in 2010, will voters select a 14 year former Member to represent them, in this year of throwing out everyone connected to the failures of the federal government?

This is the central issue to be overcome by Pombo, and while he’ll have enough money to get his message out, serving in Congress from 1992 – 2006 might… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Healthcare Vote — In California, All Eyes Are On Jim Costa, Dennis Cardoza, Jerry McNerney and Loretta Sanchez

Most Americans oppose the Obama/Reid/Polosi rush to massively increase the role of the United States government in health care delivery. For good reason, there is no reason to believe, for even a moment, that shifting a significant percentage of our country’s economy from the private sector to the public sector is anything other than a recipe for disaster.

As of this morning, Speaker Pelosi’s operatives are saying they have the necessary 218 votes in the House to pass the bill. That is unfortunate – but not surprising. Democrats have a substantial majority in the House, and never underestimate the power of a determined President…

The only silver lining in this very, very heavy, black and rainy cloud is that in order to pass this legislation (and substantially advance the cause of progressivism in American), a lot of Democrats will be signing their own death warrents — since so many are in districts with voters who very much oppose this extreme plan.

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Congressman John Campbell

The Healthcare Tax Increases

“So tonight, to you, the great silent majority of Americans, I ask for your support.” – President Richard Nixon, November 3, 1969

However, this time, I think that the majority of Americans who in every poll oppose this health care travesty are not and will not be silent. I thank you for that. And remember, there is strong bipartisan opposition to this bill. The partisan side is the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party who are driving this thing and will not work together with the rest of us who want to go in a direction which will not hasten our economic failure. The word is that Speaker Pelosi still has not persuaded enough Democrats to vote for the bill against their constituents and in many cases against their own beliefs.

Tax Increases: The “final” bill came out yesterday afternoon. Here is a partial list of the tax increases included in this reprehensible and immoral bill:

A new 3.6% tax on all investment income including capital gains. That means that the capital gains tax rate (including California state tax) will rise to 33.9%. The tax on dividend income will rise from 15% today to 53.7% including California tax. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Survey Analysis By McLaughlin and Hill

Welcome to the "spin room" as it were. The latest Rasmussen and Field Poll numbers are in (they are some of the many statewide surveys that are taken, showing snapshots of voter opinion at a given moment), and below is a memo sent from Meg Whitman’s public opinion consultants, John McLaughlin and David Hill, to one of her general consultants, Mike Murphy, outlining why they see the Field numbers as being great news for Whitman, terrible news for Steve Poizner, and very disturbing for Jerry Brown….

Memo To: Mike Murphy From: John McLaughlin and David Hill Date: March 18, 2010Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats’ Pursuit Of Majority-Vote Budgets Shows They Fail To Understand That THEY Are The Real Problem

California state government continues to face a massive deficit that is in the tens of billions of dollars. A deficit that I would submit is largely a function of decades of liberal Democrat driven public policies in Sacramento that are highlighted by a virtually unchallenged and unoriginal toxic agenda – increase spending consistently, increase taxes consistently, and increase regulations consistently. This is not rocket science, when you do all three of these things consistently, you eventually hit a breaking point. You break taxpayers, and you break the economy itself.

It’s been interesting and distressing watching the political-class in and around the State Capitol go through all sorts of gyrations to try and avoid the obvious solution to our state’s fiscal woes. We’ve seen accusations that term limits are the problem. They aren’t. We’ve heard that the taxpayer protections in Proposition 13 are the problem. They aren’t. Now are told that Republican participant in the state budget because of the 2/3rds vote is the problem – and it isn’t.

Sadly, a review of GOP votes in state budget shows that, frankly, Republicans never hold… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrats’ Pursuit Of Majority-Vote Budgets Shows They Fail To Understand That THEY Are The Real Problem

California state government continues to face a massive deficit that is in the tens of billions of dollars. A deficit that I would submit is largely a function of decades of liberal Democrat driven public policies in Sacramento that are highlighted by a virtually unchallenged and unoriginal toxic agenda – increase spending consistently, increase taxes consistently, and increase regulations consistently. This is not rocket science, when you do all three of these things consistently, you eventually hit a breaking point. You break taxpayers, and you break the economy itself.

It’s been interesting and distressing watching the political-class in and around the State Capitol go through all sorts of gyrations to try and avoid the obvious solution to our state’s fiscal woes. We’ve seen accusations that term limits are the problem. They aren’t. We’ve heard that the taxpayer protections in Proposition 13 are the problem. They aren’t. Now are told that Republican participant in the state budget because of the 2/3rds vote is the problem – and it isn’t.

Sadly, a review of GOP votes in state budget shows that, frankly, Republicans never hold… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Earthquake in Earthquake Country?

In today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail, FR friend John Fund highlights exactly how vulnerable Barbara Boxer is in her re-election bid this year…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Colorado’s GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Scott McInnis Comes To California

Yesterday the front-runner to be the next Governor of Colorado (a GOP pickup!), former Congressman and former State Senate Majority Leader Scott McInniss, made a fundraising swing through the Golden State. One of his appearances brought him to my office (which I share with fellow GOPers Scott Baugh, John Clarey and Jim Righeimber) where he spoke to members of the Orange County Republican Party’s prestigious 400 Club — his remarks lasted about fifteen minutes or so. The best part came at the end, when he informed us that in his state, the Governor with the stroke of a pen can de-unionize Colorado’s state employees — and that upon his election, he intends to do just that! Wish it were that simple here!

Enjoy the remarks of Scott McInnis, and if you are inclined, help him out!

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