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Mike Spence

59th AD Watch: Recall, Endorsements, Debate and $$$$

Some significant events took place in the 59th AD GOP Primary race in the last couple of weeks.

On the endorsement front: The Recall Anthony Adams Committee announced support for Anthony Riley. This coupled with the Howard Jarvis endorsement gives him a couple of good district wide endorsements.

At the Lincoln Club debate last Friday Corey Calaycay announced support from his former boss Senator Bob Margett.

Chris Lancaster picked up LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich and the Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs. All are solid endorsements.

On the money end only Calaycay and Lancaster met the 50K threshold to file electronically. The difference between the two is about 50K. Lancaster loaned 100K and Calaycay loaned 50K. So far most of the money has been spent on slates. Lancaster does have Chris Jones on the payroll.

The Lincoln Club debate was not as heated as in past years. All but Tim Donnelly were able to attend. Ken Hunter, Chris Lancaster, Anthony Riley and Inver Bye all sounded conservative themes. Hunter’s grassroots campaign had RINO hunting licenses for people. Nice touch. I have a couple trophies on the wall myself. A… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold Kicks In $500k To The Prop. 14, The “Make It Easire To Pass Tax Increaes” Measure

How ironic that successful international movie star and businessman Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is literally volunteering his time as Governor of California, has overnight become the largest donor to the campaign to pass Proposition 14, the "Top Two" initiative, which purports to somehow make things work "better" in Sacramento.

The reason for the irony is that Proposition 14 is truly the "wealthy, special interests empowerment act" where the vastly wealthy people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the vastly wealthy special interest groups that dominate state capitol politics (starting with the public employee unions and big business) will significantly increase their influence.

Why is this? First and foremost, Proposition 14 makes it a whole lot more expensive to campaign for public office, while doing nothing to make it any easier for a candidate to raise money. So this really advantages those players in system who have money to spread around.

Let’s also remember that the stated purpose of this measure is to decrease the role of "ideologues" in the legislature. This will play right into the hands of the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Testifying Before FPPC Panel This Morning

Fighting LA traffic to voluntarily step foot on the University of Southern California campus aside (sorry Dan Schnur), I'm looking forward to testifying this morning before the Fair Political Practices Commission's Subcommittee on Whether and How to Regulate Political Speech on the Internet (ok, that's my title).

I will try to avoid using the opportunity to rage against Constitutionally questionable laws that restrict and contort the free speech rights of citizens, who should be free to give of their property freely to political candidates or causes of their choosing. These laws, among other flaws, lead to more and more vastly wealthy candidates or candidates promoted by special interests emerging as candidates as severe limits make it more and more diffucult for an average person to raise the funds necessary to wage a competitive campaign.

Anyways, I digress. My testimony this morning will focus on the challenge of trying to restrict or regulate paid political speech in a dynamic and quickly evolving arena – the Internet. Oh, I have faith in the government to try and slap reporting requirements and an ID number on more and more… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tweeting @ FPPC Hearing

You can follow my tweets @flashreport or click on the Twitter Feed button on the main page.… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

So Now What?

Quote of the day: "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."Theodore Roosevelt, April 23rd, 1910

Now what?: Unless you have been hiding somewhere for the last 24 hours, you know that ObamaCare passed late last night. So now what?

First of all, lawsuits are already being filed by states and others challenging the constitutionality of various provisions in the bill. The provision attracting the most attention is the one… Read More

Shawn Steel

Corporations: Enemy of the People; Key Supporters for Obamacare

Republicans are not surprised that Obamacare could not have succeeded without Big Pharma, the Business Round table, Wal-Mart, the American Medical Association, and the American Hospital Association. All statists. All looters. Looking to increase market share and drill more out from government.

If we think the public sector unions are parasitical, we need look… Read More

Whitman Tele-Townhall NOW

I am listening in to a Meg Whitman tele-townhall. Got the call about 2 minutes ago.

Meg talked about eliminating a couple thousand appointees and running the state more like a business.

UPDATE: They are saying that thetele-townhall is just in Orange County.Read More

Jason Cabel Roe

Not As Good As It Looks

Watching the vote last night on Obama care as well as all my friend’s status updates on Facebook, Republicans clearly think the bill’s passage will be a political boon to in November. Not so fast.

While it is an unprecedented encroachment on private sector health care and nanny-state socialism, I am unconvinced it’s the political loser for Dems that we think it is.

First, a win is a win. This Administration and this Democrat Congress are running on a victory and that means something. The entire left wing apparatus will now turn to the indocrination effort of telling Americans how wonderful their new "rights" are and that it is Democrats getting things done.

And in an environment in which the electorate thinks Washington is broken (it is), the idea that Democrats in Washington got it done will mean something.

Finally, we will not feel the effects of the change before the November elections and so whatever negative impact of this "reform" will not be realized before it can influence voter behavior.

The wind has been at our backs but we cannot take it for granted. There are still seven months until… Read More

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