59th AD Watch: Recall, Endorsements, Debate and $$$$
Some significant events took place in the 59th AD GOP Primary race in the last couple of weeks.
On the endorsement front: The Recall Anthony Adams Committee announced support for Anthony Riley. This coupled with the Howard Jarvis endorsement gives him a couple of good district wide endorsements.
At the Lincoln Club debate last Friday Corey Calaycay announced support from his former boss Senator Bob Margett.
Chris Lancaster picked up LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich and the Association of Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs. All are solid endorsements.
On the money end only Calaycay and Lancaster met the 50K threshold to file electronically. The difference between the two is about 50K. Lancaster loaned 100K and Calaycay loaned 50K. So far most of the money has been spent on slates. Lancaster does have Chris Jones on the payroll.
The Lincoln Club debate was not as heated as in past years. All but Tim Donnelly were able to attend. Ken Hunter, Chris Lancaster, Anthony Riley and Inver Bye all sounded conservative themes. Hunter’s grassroots campaign had RINO hunting licenses for people. Nice touch. I have a couple trophies on the wall myself. A… Read More