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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Rove Visit to Fresno – Richard Pombo’s Mention in Rove’s Book

This item just posted on the Fresno Bee political notebook blog page – apparently Republican Congressional candidate and former House Member got a mention in Karl Rove’s new book, Courage and Consequence. Rove was in Fresno on Tuesday morning at a breakfast for Supervisor Debbie Poochigian. Richard Pombo was also at the breakfast, where copies of Rove’s book were handed out to the attendees.

Unknown to most, if not all of the breakfast attendees, at the time, was the mention of Pombo on page 463 of Rove’s book. Click here ot read the Fresno Bee post.

The race to succeed George Radanovich in CD 19 isa wide open affair, with Pombo, State Senator Jeff Denham, and former Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson competing for the nomination. Fresno Council member Larry Westerlund is also running in the contest. Too close to call as of this date.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Does Abel Maldonado Really Represent Latino Values?

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Jon Fleischman

Doug LaMalfa launches television commercial!

My longtime friend and fellow FlashReport blogger, Doug LaMalfa, is running for the State Senate. While as a GOP officer I don’t take sides in primaries — I think we can have a "if you blog dozens of times for this website we’ll promote your campaign materials" policy. Anyways, Doug’s launched what I think is his first TV spot… Check it out!

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Jon Fleischman

Video: Meg Whitman Interviews With Sean Hannity

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Jon Fleischman

*Must Read* WSJ’s Steven Moore:

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mountjoy Memo: Whitman = Amnesty

The following Memo will be hitting the press corps this AM from the Poizner for Governor campaign authored by former State Senator and Proposition 187 author Dick Mountjoy…

TO: California Press Corps FROM: Richard Mountjoy, former State Senator DATE: March 30, 2010 SUBJECT: Meg Whitman’s “Path to Legalization” Meg Whitman’s incoherent attempts to explain her support for amnesty for illegal immigrants reveals aRead More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Karl Rove Speech At Grand Opening of OC GOP’s New Permanent HQ

Last Saturday the Orange County Republican Party held the much-awaited grand opening of its new headquarters. No longer is the OC GOP a renter — thanks to the hard work of OC GOP Chairman Scott Baugh and a team of generous donors, the county party has now purchased a new building to house its permanent headquarters. Located centrally in the county, in Tustin, the new HQ features state of the art technology, a large call center, and much more.

As astute followers of politics know, the past few days GOP strategist and former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove has been criss-crossing the Golden State pitching his new book, and helping GOP candidates, committees and causes. Rove was the headliner for the OC GOP HQ opening, and I was there (I serve on the OC GOP Committee as the Alternate for Assemblyman Chuck DeVore) with the handy FlashFlipCam and recorded Rove’s entire speech (runs slightly over 30 minutes with the introduction from Baugh). That video is below.

I also have included a clip of some video taken at the opening where the building was dedicated to the Frank Greinke family for their generosity (much of the down payment for this… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tuesday Afternoon Thoughts

Acting Board of Equalization Member Barbara Alby and BOE Staff Member for Michelle Steel have teamed up to file legal action challenging State Senator George Runner’s inclusion of "Taxpayer Advocate" as part of his ballot title. They charge they they are all taxpayer advocates, but that Runner’s full time job is legislating. Runner has been hired on a part-time basis by Americans for Prosperity’s California branch to do some work — with a job title of Taxpayer Advocate… We’ll see what a judge says… Steve Poizner is now calling on The Force to help him out in his campaign for Governor. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Proposition 14, which we have dubbed the "Make it easier to raise taxes" measure — which was specifically written to reduce the number of solid, anti-tax conservatives in the legislature — isn’t doing nearly as well in the polls as people have said — coming in at just 56%. Hopefully the voters will get a chance to understand that this measure is part of … Read More

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