Today’s Commentary: Liberal Newspaper Editorial Boards Start To Meddle In GOP Primaries
I am not trying to pick on former Congressman and ersatz United States Senator Tom Campbell, but he is the first candidate for a Republican nomination for statewide office to send out an e-mail touting the endorsement of a newspaper editorial board for his candidacy. In this case, the San Jose Mercury news published an editorial, Campbell is the best GOP candidate for U.S. Senate.
To all Republican voters, I would say, without any hesitation: you should be very cautious if not downright skeptical of candidates who are endorsed by main stream media newspaper editorial boards. The reason for this is that with rare exceptions (a shout-out to the O.C. Register and the San Diego U.T.), these editorial boards are packed with liberals who probably feel that the People’s Park in Berkeley should be the state’s political epicenter.
Every election cycle, these Editorial Board members who I’m sure overwhelmingly vote for whatever liberal is on their general election ballot (be it a Democrat, or maybe their local Green Party nominee) put… Read More