A Discussion Shouldn’t Be One Sided
In my last blog about the California Small Business Association I asked President Betty Jo Toccoli to respond to my question about how legislators were chosen for various awards given out by her organization. Her response, which I found a bit witty in the first paragraph, is here – unedited and without my editorializing. Agree or disagree with one another, I respect her addressing the issue (is that editorializing?).
Dear Mr. Dichiara: CSBA has a long history of working with all parties. This is a deeply rooted tenant of CSBA’s philosophy. Getting Democrats, along with Republicans, to care about small business issues is an important goal of our organization and critical for the future of small business in California. I can understand that you have a different view as a Republican Party campaign consultant. At the same time, many Democrats are livid with CSBA for supporting the effort to delay AB32 and releasing a study showing that the regulatory costs of the program could be significant. We must be doing… Read More