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Jon Fleischman

My Rhetorical Contortions To Try And Praise Arnold

I am struggling to try and praise Governor Schwarzenegger for his apparent decision to call a special election this summer to fill the vacant Senate Seat of Abel Maldonado, as opposed to consolidating that election with the general election in November (he has the latitude to due either). But I prepared to do just that, but let me start first by "setting the table" appropriately.

First and foremost, I really can’t think of anyone worse who is a registered Republican whom Governor Schwarzenegger could have tapped to be Lt. Governor. The Governor may not see it that way since a lot of the reasons why I have issues with Maldonado also apply to the Governor — most notably there is a special place reserved in you-know-where for Republicans who campaign and get elected (or re-elected) on solid GOP principles like limited government, opposition to higher taxes, and promotion of individual freedom and liberty — and proceed to then use their offices to do the opposite — expand government, raise taxes, and make policy decisions that erode individual freedom and liberty. That is what we got with Abel Maldonado — so a special "no… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Why I’m Supporting Jim Patterson for Congress

Many of you have been following the race here in the Central Valley to succeed retiring member of Congress George Radanovich,in California’s 19th Congressional District There are four candidates in this primary, and until now, I have been undecided about who to support. I like and respect each of the men running, and at different times have supported each of them for public office.

In sizing up the race, I would say we have the "annointed" candidate, the "farmer" candidate, the "unlikely" candidate, and the "grassroots" candidate. Let me explain as follows:

State Senator Jeff Denham was asked by George Radanovich to run to succeed him. The Central Valley’s Westside farmers and Congressman Devin Nunes jumped early on former Congressman Richard Pombo’s bandwagon, City Council Member Larry Westerlund shocked everyone by getting into this race as an unknown outsider, and former Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Web Video Attacking Meg Informercial Off The Mark, But Entertaining…

The Whitman for Governor campaign has started to air their 30 minute "infomercial" which clearly is being aired as an advertisement for Whitman’s campaign. The style of the advertisement is to place the candidate, Whitman, in a "townhall style" environment, where she is meeting new people (presumably the voter at home can empathize as someone also trying to get to know the candidate). There was a dust up a couple of months back during the taping of this event because everything is staged, and someone had a video camera and caught candid moments of the coaching of the "actors" (supporters) in the spot. I didn’t devote a whole lot of time to this back when it happened because I found it to be largely a non issue. Why would a candidate tape their own advertisement and do so in an unpredictable, dynamic environment? I don’t know anyone who films a campaign commercial, whether 30 seconds or 30 minutes, that doesn’t completely control every word said from front to end.

Okay, that said, the Poizner campaign put together a short web video (we try to bring all… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Why I’m Supporting Jim Patterson for Congress

Many of you have been following the race here in the Central Valley to succeed retiring member of Congress George Radanovich,in California’s 19th Congressional District There are four candidates in this primary, and until now, I have been undecided about who to support. I like and respect each of the men running, and at different times have supported each of them for public office.

In sizing up the race, I would say we have the "anointed" candidate, the "farmer" candidate, the "unlikely" candidate, and the "grassroots" candidate. Let me explain as follows:

State Senator Jeff Denham was asked by George Radanovich to run to succeed him. The Central Valley’s Westside farmers and Congressman Devin Nunes jumped early on former Congressman Richard Pombo’s bandwagon, City Council Member Larry Westerlund shocked everyone by getting into this race as an unknown outsider, and former Fresno Mayor Jim Patterson… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Antonopoulos Re-Elected Chairman of College Republicans

The California College Republicans held their yearly convention this past weekend in Los Angeles. With just over 300 in attendance, it was one of the biggest such gatherings in years. Michael Antonopoulos, the current Chairman of the CCRs, was unanimously elected to a second term.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jon Fleischman’s Statement on Maldonado’s Confirmation Votes

Statement of Jon Fleischman on the confirmation of Abel Maldonado to be California’s next Lieutenant Governor:

"The Republican Party in America and in here in California has been suffering greatly because of politicians like Abel Maldonado who campaign for office pledging to shrink the size and scope of government, and to oppose new taxes — but who then abuse their office of public trust by doing just the opposite.

The greater the prominence of Abel Maldonado, the more difficult the task of Republicans is in regaining a majority. The path to a Republican majority is not through embracing the policies of the Democrats.

The message sent to the public by his confirmation is that if you are a Republican who is willing to put special interests over the interests of taxpayers, you can, indeed, go far in Sacramento.

I will close by saying, as an officer of the California Republican Party, that Maldonado’s confirmation is especially disappointing since Maldonado is the author of Proposition 14, the purpose of which is to drive political parties, including his own, out of business." … Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 29: The “Mighty Mo” Is All With Halderman

When handicapping legislative campaigns seven weeks out there are several factors to consider. You look at how well a candidate is known in the community (name id), resources available to the campaign (fundraising and volunteers), where the candidates stand on issues important to the district.

In Assembly District 29, currently held by Mike Villines, we have three Republican candidates that would all claim to be the leading candidates in the race. Of those three Dr. Linda Halderman has everything breaking her way right now.

Halderman is a surgeon that spent most of her career treating breast cancer patients. This makes for a compelling story that she has told on local conservative radio station KMJ dozens of times over the past few years. She has some name ID and a compelling and memorable story to tell.

Halderman entered this race in late January and started behind the two other candidates that have been running for much longer. At the last report she had been running for six weeks and raised… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Top Ten Reasons To Support the California Jobs Initiative

The fine folks at the California Jobs Initiative, which seeks a vote of the people on whether to temporarily suspend the draconian regulations created by the passage of AB 32 until the economy improves, sent out a great Top Ten list earlier this week. I thought it worthy of sharing… Top Ten Reasons to Support the California Jobs Initiative ( 10. AB 32 will put over a million California jobs at risk. With unemployment at 12.6% and 2.2 million already out of work, now is the worst possible time to knowingly endanger the jobs of a million more Californians. 9. According to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) jobs created by AB 32 will total less than one percent of all California jobs byRead More

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