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Jason Cabel Roe

Today’s Commentary: California’s Massachusetts

Yes, I know, it’s become cliché but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply.

The 43rd Assembly District, which includes Glendale and Burbank, has not been held by a Republican since my former boss, Jim Rogan, left the seat for Congress in 1996. Rogan was elected in a special election succeeding former Assembly GOP Leader Pat Nolan. In those years, this seat was a bedrock Republican district but an influx of new Americans, primarily Armenian and Latino, have changed the demographics and ideological bent of the district. Additionally, this has become a bedroom community for entertainment industry workers who also sit on the left of the political spectrum.

Today, the district is 2-1 Democrat with another quarter of voters decline-to-state. On the surface, Republicans should not be in the game here but due to a special election triggered by incumbent Paul Krekorian’s election to the L.A. City Council, we have a very unique opportunity.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Launches New Web Ad Attacking Whitman’s Debate Performance

You can see the ad below…

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Jon Fleischman

SF Chron’s Marinucci Is Hearing That Polling Has Shown Whitman’s Lead Has Shrank Dramatically…

Over on the San Francisco Chronicle’s Politics Blog, ace reporter Carla Marinucci is sharing that there is word out there that new polling shows that Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has significantly closed in on GOP gubernatorial front-runner Meg Whitman.

Here is what Marinucci has deduced thus far. Also in Marinucci’s piece is a new ad put out by the Whitman campaign, which we have embedded below.

The Poizner campaign is holding a 1:30pm press call (which FR will be on) to get more details…

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Jon Fleischman

Poizner Poll: Whitman Leads By 10 Points: 38 to 28…

The Poizner Campaign has released a new survey, and here is their pre-spin and followed by the spin from the pollster… The Whitman Collapse Whitman’s Lead Shrinks to 10 points; Down to 5 in Targeted Markets Team Poizner today announced the latest internal polling showing Meg Whitman’s once 48 point lead down to just 10 points. The poll proves that Poizner’s messaging is moving numbers fast, while Whitman’s messages have been ineffective. Whitman’s 48 point lead has shrunk to five points in all markets outside of the San Francisco Bay Area. While Whitman has poured millions into television and radio in the San Francisco media market, Poizner has yet to launch his broadcast TV campaign there, but will soon.Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Leader Munger Spends Big For The Conservative Cause

Capitol Alert is reporting that the measure sponsored by Republican Party activist Charles Munger, Jr., to take redistricting out of the hands of the Democrats in Sacramento, and instead put that process under the jurisdiction of the new citizens redistricting commission has qualified for the ballot.

This is great news — especially for Republicans in California. If the Democrats continue to drive the process of Congressional redistricting, they will continue to draw many safe seats to re-elect themselves, and quite possibly carve some current GOPers out of their seats. What would that mean? Few Members of Congress to stand tall against Obamacare, to fight off Cap and Tax, and of course fewer advocates of core principles like the Right To Life.

Munger really deserves a lot of praise as he has really championed this effort — putting vast amounts of money into it (Munger’s father, Charles Munger, Sr., is the longtime partner of Warren Buffet). In addition to pushing this measure to benefit Republicans statewide, Munger is actively engaged not… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Campbell Blasts Fiorina In New Web Ad

Tom Campbell’s campaign has really taken off the gloves in this lengthy web-ad that seems to be a comprehensive summary of criticisms hurled at the tenure of Carly Fiorina at HP. Of course, it is likely this will only appear on the web, as opposed to on a statewide television buy. The very wealth for which Fiorina is derided in this spot ensures that her spots on Campbell will be seen…

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Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Day of Prayer Respects Our Heritage and Constitution

Prayer has always been a component of American history. You need not be a person of faith to know that prayer has influenced our history and that Presidents have honored and called for prayer during times of national crisis. It is ingrained into our national traditions. It is in that spirit that the National Day of Prayer was created by a joint resolution of Congress and signed by President Truman in 1952 to annually recognize prayer’s importance.

Since then, there have been 57 Presidential Proclamations for a Day of Prayer. Last year, all 50 state governors including Governor Schwarzenegger signed similar proclamations encouraging citizens to pray. The Day of Prayer serves to remind all Americans, of all backgrounds, to reflect on the blessings and challenges that have shaped our nation. It is a wholesome call to pray for the well-being of our communities, country, and those serving in our Armed Forces.

Unfortunately, for a small and vocal minority largely comprised of atheists and agnostics, the safe guards in the First Amendment are not enough. A group called the Freedom From Religion Foundation believes that the National Day of Prayer leaves… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Mom and Pop shop bullied by Big Government

I’ve heard a lot of outrageous Big Government stories in my day, but here’s one that wins the prize. LA Times’ Steve Lopez reports that owners of a mom and pop Chinese restaurant in the San Fernando Valley are under deep (and questionable) scrutiny by California state auditors, specifically the Board of Equalization, for allegedly under-reporting sales taxes.

As a candidate of the BOE (2nd district), I can assure you that I oppose tax evaders and cheats. The under-ground economy has disastrous consequences for society – look no further than Greece. However, I am equally opposed to big government harassing small business owners.

Let’s break down Lopez’ facts: 1.The owners, Sander and “Mama” Ho, are the sole workers at the Tasty China, the restaurant under scrutiny. 2.Lopez’ lunch for two, with tax and drinks, came to just over $12. 3.Many customers buy only a $1 carton of white rice. 4.The restaurant is small and rarely filled to capacity. 5.The Ho’s dwell in a one-bedroom North Hollywood… Read More

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