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Assemblyman Curt Hagman

Day of Prayer Respects Our Heritage and Constitution

Prayer has always been a component of American history. You need not be a person of faith to know that prayer has influenced our history and that Presidents have honored and called for prayer during times of national crisis. It is ingrained into our national traditions. It is in that spirit that the National Day of Prayer was created by a joint resolution of Congress and signed by President Truman in 1952 to annually recognize prayer’s importance.

Since then, there have been 57 Presidential Proclamations for a Day of Prayer. Last year, all 50 state governors including Governor Schwarzenegger signed similar proclamations encouraging citizens to pray. The Day of Prayer serves to remind all Americans, of all backgrounds, to reflect on the blessings and challenges that have shaped our nation. It is a wholesome call to pray for the well-being of our communities, country, and those serving in our Armed Forces.

Unfortunately, for a small and vocal minority largely comprised of atheists and agnostics, the safe guards in the First Amendment are not enough. A group called the Freedom From Religion Foundation believes that the National Day of Prayer leaves… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Mom and Pop shop bullied by Big Government

I’ve heard a lot of outrageous Big Government stories in my day, but here’s one that wins the prize. LA Times’ Steve Lopez reports that owners of a mom and pop Chinese restaurant in the San Fernando Valley are under deep (and questionable) scrutiny by California state auditors, specifically the Board of Equalization, for allegedly under-reporting sales taxes.

As a candidate of the BOE (2nd district), I can assure you that I oppose tax evaders and cheats. The under-ground economy has disastrous consequences for society – look no further than Greece. However, I am equally opposed to big government harassing small business owners.

Let’s break down Lopez’ facts: 1.The owners, Sander and “Mama” Ho, are the sole workers at the Tasty China, the restaurant under scrutiny. 2.Lopez’ lunch for two, with tax and drinks, came to just over $12. 3.Many customers buy only a $1 carton of white rice. 4.The restaurant is small and rarely filled to capacity. 5.The Ho’s dwell in a one-bedroom North Hollywood… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Meg Whitman In Walnut, Highlighting Importance of Prop. 13 Taxpayer Protections

Welcome to "Whitman University" — this professionally created video highlighting a campaign appearance by GOP Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman yesterday in Diamond Bar is really an important reminder to everyone about the importance of protecting Proposition 13…

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Matt Rexroad

With an endorsement like that who needs a hit piece?

Dear Editors of California Newspapers:

Many local and regional newspapers will be endorsing in Republican primary elections in the coming days. This is just a little advice that you can clearly take or leave. In the end it’s your newspaper and you will print what you want.

Republican primaries are closed under current law. This means that conservatives often make up the majority of primary voters. Thus, when you decide to support someone in your editorial — trying to write something that actually works with the Republican primary voter would be helpful.

Take this editorial from the San Luis Obispo Tribune. They endorse this local County Supervisor and then go on to tell their readers the reason is that he is more moderate than his opponents and won’t sign the tax pledge. Way to help a brother out.

Come on. I think if i was a Republican candidate in the primary that had the "honor" of earning this endorsement I would have encouraged them to support someone… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Governors Schwarzenegger and Crist – The Conversation

Since we’re a website on California politics, I am not going to assume that all of our readers know that life-long Republican Charlie Crist, the Governor of Florida and a candidate for United States Senate, in recent days announced his departure from the GOP, choosing to re-register as an independent to guarantee his presence as a candidate for the Senate this November. Crist, you see, had been the prohibitive front-runner for the GOP nomination – but his strong embrace of President Obama and some of his most liberal policies (most famously the TARP plan) on top of years of embracing his own form of populism that demonstrated a severe lack of defining ideology – made him very unpopular with Florida’s Republican voters. His former primary opponent, former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, a strong conservative, had been an underdog against Crist, but then as Rubio’s message spread, and Crist’s embrace of Obama (literally) became well know, Rubio shot way ahead to the point where Crist was sure to lose the GOP nomination – hence his decision to bail on the Republican Party all… Read More

Senator Tony Strickland

Runner and Strickland’s Ronald Reagan Day Bill Approved by Senate

In case you hadn’t heard, we are getting closer to officially recognizing Ronald Reagan Day here in California. On April 8, by a vote of 34-0, the Senate approved SB 944, the Ronald Reagan Day bill proposed by Senator George Runner and me. SB 944 (Runner and Strickland) is the first – and so far only – Ronald Reagan Day bill in the nation to be passed by any legislative house. All other legislative efforts to recognize Ronald Reagan Day have been single-year resolutions or have not been approved by a legislative house. No one will get a day off under SB 944 (Runner and Strickland); instead, schools will be encouraged to teach about Ronald Reagan and his contributions. SB 944 (Runner and Strickland) was introduced in the Senate on February 3 and was approved by a 7-0 vote in the Senate Education Committee on March 24 before its unanimous passage in the Senate on April 8. We are expecting that SB 944 (Runner and Strickland) will be heard in the Assembly Education Committee in June. You can read the text of the bill at… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Breaking News* Official Transition Date Announced – Dutton To Become Senate GOP Leader on September 1…

We are pleased to share with FlashReport readers in this "scoop" that Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth and Senate Republican Leader-Elect Bob Dutton have set out a specific transition date for the "passing of the baton" of leadership from the former to the latter — it will be September 1st. This date, in theory, will be after this year’s budget has been adopted, and puts Dutton in the saddle for bringing home political victories for Senate Republicans at the ballot box this November.

Here is the text of the memo that they will be releasing with the details — attached below is the spiffy .pdf version on letterhead with initials and such…

May 4, 2010 TO: Senate Republican CaucusRead More

Jon Fleischman

*FR Breaking News: California Pro-Life Council Endorses Carly Fiorina For U.S. Senate*

This morning the California Pro-Life Council has released this statement exclusively to the FlashReport (well, for a few hours anyways) — it is an announcement concerning the United States Senate race taking place this year in California…

You have seen discussion of the CA Governor’s race in other places on this web site. Today we want to discuss the candidates and campaign for the U.S. Senate nomination to replace Barbara Boxer.. Months ago we were in an enviable position, both candidates were pro-life. Pro-life assemblyman Chuck Devore was running and Carly Fiorina, who had made public statements of being pro-life. What remained was assertaining just how real those commitments were.Read More

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