GOP Leader Munger Spends Big For The Conservative Cause
Capitol Alert is reporting that the measure sponsored by Republican Party activist Charles Munger, Jr., to take redistricting out of the hands of the Democrats in Sacramento, and instead put that process under the jurisdiction of the new citizens redistricting commission has qualified for the ballot.
This is great news — especially for Republicans in California. If the Democrats continue to drive the process of Congressional redistricting, they will continue to draw many safe seats to re-elect themselves, and quite possibly carve some current GOPers out of their seats. What would that mean? Few Members of Congress to stand tall against Obamacare, to fight off Cap and Tax, and of course fewer advocates of core principles like the Right To Life.
Munger really deserves a lot of praise as he has really championed this effort — putting vast amounts of money into it (Munger’s father, Charles Munger, Sr., is the longtime partner of Warren Buffet). In addition to pushing this measure to benefit Republicans statewide, Munger is actively engaged not… Read More