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Ray Haynes

Thanks Federal Government, We Don’t Need Your Help

On Sunday, our Arrogant-Lazy-Authoritarian-In-Chief (ALAIC), Gavin Newsom, said, on television, that the federal government had a “moral obligation” to cover his behind for his excessive lock down order issued March 19 of this year, an order that remains in effect. It remains in effect, even though the original rationale for the order, that is, that 22 million Californians would be infected by the disease by today, proved to be grossly overestimated. ALAIC Newsom wasn’t just a little wrong, he was wrong by about 22 million people, and his order has threatened the financial stability of the very hospitals he was hoping to protect, not to mention driven millions of Californians to bankruptcy. ALAIC Newsom said that the number of unemployed people has reached “Depression-era” numbers, and he now faces a $54 billion budget deficit and 25% unemployment numbers.

The problem is that these “Depression-era” numbers are entirely of his own making. He overreacted to the disease, pure and simple, acted prematurely, and rather than use public health protocols that had been used over and over again for other flu-based and communicable… Read More

Ron Nehring

The best of America: RIP Chairman Thaddeus Taylor

One of the most rewarding facets of being a Republican leader in California for more than a decade is the extraordinary people I have met. Thaddeus Taylor, former Chairman of the Inyo County Republican Party, U.S. Army intelligence officer, and a patriot represented the finest the Republican Party, and America, has to offer.

In 2002, shortly after I was elected Chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County, then-California Republican Party Chairman Shawn Steel called a special Executive Committee meeting for one evening at a restaurant in Orange County. It was one of my first opportunities to meet fellow Republican leaders from around the state, and since a quorum wasn’t met, there was plenty of time to talk.

Inyo County Chairman Thaddeus Taylor was a dedicated volunteer, driving down from his home in Bishop to Orange County for a meeting which would likely not draw the necessary quorum. He went because it was his duty, and that sense of duty was at the center of Chairman Taylor’s life.

Years later, when I served as Chairman of the CRP, Thaddeus Taylor was… Read More

Richard Rider

San Diego County coronavirus deaths confirm that we should end the lockdown

End the California state and local lockdown mandates. Sensibly.

As of 5/15/20, there’s been 5,662 reported coronavirus cases in San Diego County — a huge county of 3.3 million people.

Doubtless there were many more who were infected by the coronavirus. But the symptoms were so mild that the victims didn’t get themselves tested or treated for the virus.

Now look at the KEY table of numbers below — the number of San Diego Countydeaths “ASSOCIATED” with the coronavirus. I can’t post that PDF table here, so you MUST click on the URL. Fortunately, this URL is updated daily.… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

The Single Most Important Reason to Reelect President Trump

Though the election is just short of six months from now and there will be plenty of changes in our lives between now and election day, there is clearly one reason (above all) that requires all of us to do whatever we can to make sure that Mr. Trump is our president for another four years. This situation coalesces all the factors in one place and rises above every other issue. The issue is Michael Flynn.

It is quite surprising this case has blown up now. Sidney Powell, Flynn’s attorney (Sidney is a lady) should be given a Presidential Medal of Freedom for literally digging in her heels and turning this travesty around. But we have known some factors for a long time that should have turned the stomachs of every American.

First, two FBI agents waltzed into Flynn’s office while he was National Security Advisor to the newly inaugurated president. They did it under the pretense of a collegial conversation. In fact, they advised him he did not need a lawyer. Then they used the conversation as the crux of their effort to destroy his life. Miranda v. Arizona was decided in 1966 and has since been the law of the land. Our top federal law enforcement agency did this… Read More

Ray Haynes

What If This Was the Real Test – And We Have Failed?

My first rule of politics reads: Democrats lose elections because, once elected, they keep their campaign promises. Republicans lose because, once elected, they break theirs. Republicans claim to stand for freedom. Now is the time when the “rubber meets the road.” Lawsuits, press conferences, and objections are fine, but they are not enough.

Ronald Reagan once said:

Perhaps you and I have lived with this miracle too long to be properly appreciative. Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction.It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.” (Reagan’s First Gubernatorial Inaugural Address, January 5, 1967).

Perhaps we have lived with this miracle too long. I thought there were those in elected office who were willing to fight for freedom. Maybe I expect too much. I have served with many of them, seen them in action. People from a variety of walks of life, who have told the voters of their city, county, or district, that they will… Read More

Donald Wagner

It’s Not Just About the Beaches

On April 30, in a stunning political move, Gov. Newsom ordered all Orange County beaches closed indefinitely. But this is not just about the beaches.

This is a fight about whether free people, acting through their local governments, can retain control of their lives and their economy. The alternative pushed explicitly by the governor is for him and his administration to fundamentally re-engineer the once Golden State. Enter Tom Steyer.

Billionaire investment banker Tom Steyer scrambled from the wreckage of his recent presidential campaign to answer Gov. Newsom’s call to run the governor’s so-called Business and Jobs Recovery Task Force. This is an 80-person team supposedly to advise the governor on how to re-open California.

Of course, an 80-person committee is so large and ridiculously unwieldy that it cannot produce sustained, rational, linear thought. It just can’t; no government committee that size can. Eighty people is the size of one entire house of the state legislature. Because of its size and resultant inertia, Steyer’s committee will say and do whatever Steyer and the governor want it to say and do.

That is the problem:… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

The Imaginary COVID-19 Response

A friend recently told me a story: He had a very close relationship with someone who was his friend and his attorney. They spoke religiously every day, early in the morning, before their workday started. One day his friend called him and told him he could no longer maintain a relationship as long as my friend supported the President. My friend responded by saying there were plenty of other attorneys and he had plenty of other friends. You probably have had a similar experience if you support President Trump. The thing is this incident occurred in 2004. It took ten years for his friend to call and apologize.

Just like a certain element of our society thinks that all problems emanate from Mr. Trump and their distaste for him is different because it is Trump, they think their “imaginary” leader would be handling the COVID-19 response so much better.

Trump often repeats the fact that he shut down flights from China which is true. And during the March daily press briefings, he focused on his current plan of action. Since the MSM has sworn an oath to destroy Trump and his presidency, they badgered him about what he did during February. This is despite his having… Read More

Ray Haynes

Old News – Hypocrisy Is the Currency of Our Arrogant Lazy Authoritarian in Chief

I think it is appropriate, when earned, to offer praise to elected and other government officials when they have acted in the defense of liberty. Sometimes it’s baby steps, sometimes it’s putting on the armor of liberty, and standing face to face with those who would destroy that strength of this country, that is, that unique form of American liberty that, while under attack in our modern era, has survived longer than any other country in any other time.

So first, to Sheriff Chad Bianco of Riverside County — Thank you for announcing you would not make criminals of law abiding citizens. I represented Riverside County for 14 years in the Legislature. I know the people of that County, they are good people who struggle every day to make their life, and the lives of their family, better. Many of them spend hours a day on the freeway, abandoned by traffic planners in Sacramento and Riverside County government, just to get back and forth to work. They don’t deserve to face the threat of arrest for doing what is necessary to feed their family. More of the state’s Sheriffs should have the courage to do what you did, Sheriff Bianco.

To… Read More

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