I Can Sit Anywhere I Want At My Favorite Restaurant
Can you imagine 50, or 500 people a day, walkin’ into every local public health office and singin’ “I can sit anywhere I want at my favorite restaurant” why they’ll think it’s a movement, and that’s what it is the Favorite Restaurant Anti-Massacre Movement, and it needs to start now.
I always loved Arlo Guthrie’s song “Alice’s Restaurant” because it made a point. You don’t have to be serious or violent to make your point known, you just need to speak it, and act accordingly.
There’s a protest at the state capitol in Sacramento on May 1. And the state government won’t give them a permit to hold the protest. Reason? Why–the government just doesn’t brook opposition to its stupid orders. The First Amendment allows the protest, because denying the permit is blatantly unconstitutional, but no one ever accused this California State Government of giving a rat’s behind about the Constitution.
This much we know – 99.9% of the people of this state are not infected with the COVID – 19 virus, and less than 99.99% of the people of this state have died… Read More