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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Attack Of The 50 Foot Pelosi!

Been on the road all day… But check out this video — it’s a campaign commercial for a candidate in Pennsylvania. But it’s a priceless depiction of San Francisco Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi… … Read More

Jason Cabel Roe

Website Targeting Democrat Markey Worth Taking a Look

Corey Gardner, the leading Republican candidate to take on Democrat Betsy Markey in Colorado (a top NRCC target), today launched a very clever website satirizing eBay, The site details the special interest money Markey has received.

Markey took out conservative firebrand Marilyn Musgrave, who served three terms in Congress, funded in large part by independent expenditures from billionaire heiress Pat Stryker. The district has 45,000 more Republicans than Democrats and Markey trails badly with unaffiliated voters. San Diegan Chris Hansen, a veteran manager, is running Gardner’s campaign.

Revolvis launched a similar strategy targeting first-term Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan, who our client, San Ramon Mayor Abram Wilson is facing in a rematch of 2008, highlighting Buchanan’s habit of abstaining from votes,… Read More

Jason Cabel Roe


Don Wagner, candidate for the 70th Assembly District, has prevailed in Westphal v. Wagner, a suit filed against Wagner and the South Orange County Community College Board of Trustees, to prevent theoffering of invocations at graduations, awards ceremonies, and other District functions.

The plaintiffs, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, sought an injunction but after months of discovery, including depostions from Wagner and other trustees, and reviewing thousands of pages of documents, the aetheists could not make their case that the District was violating the establishment clause of the Constitution. The court denied the motion and invocations can continue.

However, this case is not necessarily over. The aetheists may force this to trial and there is always a chance that Wagner et al could be defeated.

Bottom line, however, is that Wagner and the Board of Trustees stood against the effort to ban invocations andreligious freedom and the First Amendment prevailed.

* Don Wagner is a client of RevolvisRead More

Meredith Turney

New Survey USA Poll Shows Poizner 2 Points behind Whitman

The Poizner campaign is trumpeting a new Survey USA poll that shows Steve Poizner just 2 points behind Meg Whitman, 37% to 39%. Here’s a TV report with the story:

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Jon Fleischman

Senator Hollingsworth Launches New Pension Reform Website

Curious about California’s broken pension system? Feel free to tip toe around the various solutions, formulas and learn more about the root cause at a new website. Senate GOP leader Dennis Hollingsworth announced the launch of a new web-site designed to become a clearinghouse of useful information that will allow everyone to get perspective on how much government employee unions are fleecing future generations. According to the Senate GOP leader, “Public pension obligations are a ticking time-bomb and many don’t fully understand how devastating these costs are to our state’s fiscal well being.” Agreed. Public employee unions are hurting the future of all Californian’s. That point can not be argued.

According to the press release“…there are 9,111 retired California government workers who are receiving pensions over $100,000 and according to one recent study, California’s public retirement plans are under funded by more than a half trillion dollars ($536 billion) which equates to a staggeringRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Leader Dennis Hollingsworth Address Pension Reform In Weekly Address

This morning blogged about Senate Republican Leader Dennis Hollingsworth launching a government pension reform website — you can scroll further down the blog to read more on that.

I wanted to draw the attention of FR readers to Hollingsworth’s weekly radio address on the subject of needed pension reform. You can listen to it here, and read the transcript below.

TRANSCRIPT You know your family or your business is in serious trouble when your debt is growing faster than your income. Unless you fix the problem, sooner or later you’ll go broke. California’s public employee retirement system is in this fix.Read More

Jon Fleischman

ABC VIDEO: Campbell, DeVore, Fiorina Debate

Late last week the Republican candidates for United States Senate — Tom Campbell, Chuck DeVore and Carly Fiorina — met face to face at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles for a televised debate. The debate was not aired live, but was broadcast yesterday. But since I assume that most FR readers were focused on celebrating Mothers day, I thought I would give you a chance to watch the debate at your convenience. ABC has it split into three parts, all of which are embedded below! Who won?

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Jon Fleischman

AD70: Is Choi Just A Carpetbagger? Or Is He A Criminal?

In the heart of Orange County, there is currently a four-way donnybrook taking place in the Republican primary in the 70th Assembly District — the victor of this primary will go on to succeed Chuck DeVore as the representative to the legislature from this district.

Three of the four candidates — Tustin Councilman Jerry Amante, South Orange County Community College District Board President Don Wagner, and the son of the late Assemblyman Gil Ferguson, Jay Ferguson, are all long-time residents of the district. The remaining candidate, Irvine Councilman Steven Choi (pictured), is not. In fact, depending on whose version of reality you choose to believe, he either (according to Choi) carpetbagged from his million dollar plus home outside of the district into a modest apartment inside of the district , just in time to file for office — OR — you can believe what is being asserted in one of the most comprehensive complaints of this nature… Read More

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