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Jon Fleischman

Steve Cooley Drops Mail Piece To GOP Voters

This mailer just arrived to my home… (click on the image to enlarge)Read More

Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail Tuesday May 18

FIORINA FOR U.S. SENATE “Palin Endorses Fiorina” great front the back was confusing. WHITMAN FOR GOVERNOR “Now Get the Facts” Again a great front, comparison inside. YES ON PROP 17 — TODAY’S WINNER “Take Your Discounts With You” clear and to the point, know literally nothing about the proposition, never heard of it, but I’ll probably vote for it based on the piece.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Allysia Finley – “Meg Whitman Ducks a Boxer”

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… … Read More

Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail Monday

* A clever solicitation from Florida US Senate candidate Marco Rubio – it had a dollar bill paper clipped on it

* A mailer from local Sheriff candidate Scott Jones “Endorsed by Sheriff McGinness”

* A mailer from the Fiorina from with her signature on the taxpayer protection pledge which I swear may have come once before, or something similar “Taxpayer Protection Pledge”

* A mailer from Ted Lieu for Attorney General, addressed to the woman who lived in my house six years ago, and who was a Democrat “Working for You”

* A mailer from local Sacramento City Council candidate Patrick Kennedy. Very clean, well done piece. TODAY’S WINNER.

* A slatemailer from the “California Taxpayer Protection Voter Guide”. Poizner and Fiorina. Not sure who puts this one out.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Importance of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

I am very pleased that once again the FlashReport has partnered up with our friends at Americans for Tax Reform to talk about the importance of the ATR Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to unveil the list of those candidates who have signed the pledge (thus far) in the 2010 primaries here in California for statewide office, as well as candidates for the state legislature. ATR’s President, Grover Norquist, pens an exclusive column for us today talking about the Pledge and California, and below his column is the list of Pledge signers. You can check out his column here.

In talking about the importance of the pledge, I am actually going to enlist the aid of my good friend Assemblyman and U.S. Senate candidate Chuck DeVore, who takes about two minutes to talk about the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and why it is important in this video…

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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The Importance of the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

I am very pleased that once again the FlashReport has partnered up with our friends at Americans for Tax Reform to talk about the importance of the ATR Taxpayer Protection Pledge, and to unveil the list of those candidates who have signed the pledge (thus far) in the 2010 primaries here in California for statewide office, as well as candidates for the state legislature. ATR’s President, Grover Norquist, pens an exclusive column for us today talking about the Pledge and California, and below his column is the list of Pledge signers. You can check out his column here.

In talking about the importance of the pledge, I am actually going to enlist the aid of my good friend Assemblyman and U.S. Senate candidate Chuck DeVore, who takes about two minutes to talk about the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and why it is important in this video…

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Jon Fleischman

The “Kitchen Sink” Attack: Meg Whitman, eMeg Porn Queen?

What do you do when you are running for the Republican nomination for Governor, and despite the fact that you have invested large amounts of your own personal fortune in the race, you are being run over by a candidate whose wallet is thicker, looks to be outspending you by as much as four-to-one, and started spending money very early — building up a huge lead going into the final stretch?

The answer is that you do everything, of course. Everything has included a campaign for Steve Poizner that has used differences between he and Meg Whitman on immigration to drive down her positive numbers with GOP primary voters, throwing out there Whitman’s connections with Wall Street financiers Goldman Sachs as well, as well as highlighting Whitman’s deplorable voting record. But despite all of these things being hurled into the public marketplace by Poizner’s campaign, little did we know that with all of these various hits on Whitman, Poizner still was holding back the proverbial "kitchen… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Chuck DeVore Unveils New Ad Featuring Conservative Icon Tom McClintock

Here’s the new ad starring Congressman Tom McClintock, making a compelling case for Assemblyman Chuck DeVore’s candidacy for the United States Senate. Look for this video to travel far and wide on the web — as to whether it gets up on broadcast and cable television, that will be up to DeVore’s fundraising push in the final weeks of the campaign…

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