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Jon Coupal

HJTA: Assembly Democrat Budget Harms Taxpayers

Today the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association put out the following statement in response to the announcement earlier today that their budget proposal includes massive tax increases…

ASSEMBLY DEMOCRAT BUDGET HARMS TAXPAYERS Proposal increases taxes and creates new borrowing while deceptively promoting job growth. Sacramento, CA – Today, the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association (HJTA) strongly opposed a plan brought forth by Assembly Democrats that calls for $12 billion in new taxes and borrowing. The proposal includes a new oil severance tax which would lead to lost jobs and higher gas prices. Democrats have proposed creating a $10 billion ‘Jobs and Economic Stability Fund’ in order to protect 450,000 primarily publicRead More

Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail May 25

KENNEDY FOR SACRAMENTO CITY COUNCIL “Letter” this is an individualized chase letter… but Patrick you didn’t ‘see me’ when you or your walker stopped by. KENNEDY FOR SACRAMENTO CITY COUNCIL “Neighborhoods a Voice” which is a color booklet that comes in an envelope… looks expensive (Today’s winner). COOLEY FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL “Shameless” a double whack on Eastman and Harman, could have been more clear what the race was that the mailer was talking about. SLATEMAILER “Small Business Action Committee” featuring Whitman for Governor and Maldonado for Lt. Governor.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail May 24

I want to remind the readers that I live in a HEAVILY DEMOCRAT neighborhood… I generally don’t get a ton of Republican mail. JAY SCHENIRER FOR CITY COUNCIL “Timeout” this is the second in a series of sports related pieces. The first piece confused me, but I took the time to read this one and I agree with the guy that we shouldn’t donate land to the Kings team. PATRICK KENNEDY FOR CITY COUNCIL “Creating Jobs” Kennedy is running against Schenirer (above) – and I leaned towards Schenirer because of his early grassroots campaign but I’ve got to write that Kennedy’s mail is better, just more clear. COOPER FOR SHERIFF “Keeping deputies on the street” very clear (Today’s winner). SLATE MAILER “Council of Concerned Women Voters” featuring Whitman and Nakanishi.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

When it comes to pilfering taxpayers, liberals are strong-willed

Say what you want about tax-and-spend liberals. One thing is for sure: They are strong-willed when it comes to pilfering money from taxpayers. Nothing can stop the liberal arm of the California Legislature from proposing $5 billion in tax increases as a means to plugging a huge budget hole. Not even the California voters who overwhelmingly opposed Proposition 1A last year (a ballot measure that would have raised taxes on Californians). This year’s proposed increases include hitting up California car owners – who apparently don’t spend enough on car taxes or at the gas pump – to pay more DMV fees. If only the liberals showed this kind of determination in handling taxpayer money. Read more about the tax hikes here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

DeVore Campaign Launches TV Spot…

No word on the size of the buy, but it stars some well known actors… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gov. Romney, Sec’y Rice and HJTA’s Jon Coupal Star In New Whitman TV Spot…

Given the size of Whitman’s media buys, you may have seen this already… on your TV…

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Duane Dichiara

Missed One

On Saturday I also got STEVE COOLEY FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL “A Prosecutor, Not A Politician”.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Taxpayer Video Classics, SD 36 and AD 77 Watch, Conservatives Target Judges, more

A Sunday potpourri from around the region… Kudos to SDCTA — and a Must Watch"Save the Chargers" Video… Thursday night’s San Diego County Taxpayers Association Golden Watchdog and Fleece Awards dinner was attended by over 800, who clearly see it as one of the best annual events in the region. SDCTA has an uncanny ability to get otherwise cautiously stodgyelected officials to loosen up on video with gems they normally wouldn’t be caught dead saying or doing anywhere — at leastnot on purpose — all for a good laugh and the spectacle of the evening. The "Chargers Stadium Disaster Relief Telethon" is an absolute classic: Here’s also a retrospective of past years’ video hi-lights: Lastly, a press release announcing all the winning taxpayer watchdogs and fleecers for the… Read More

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