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Jon Fleischman

GOP Candidate “Katcho” in AD 33 Refuses To Sign “No New Taxes Pledge” — Putting Him Well Out Of The Republican Main Stream

UPDATE: GOP candidate Matt Kokkonen has now signed the ATR pledge and faxed it in. His campaign consultant assures me that when Kokkonen ran for Asembly a few years back he signed the pledge at that time as well. We are hopeful that "Katcho" Achadjian will also sign and fax in the pledge as well. This will allow Republicans to unifty againt the Democrats this fall on the tax issue. ORIGINAL POST : 7:18AMA few weeks ago, FlashReport contributor Matt Rexroad brought to our attention an editorialRead More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Allysia Finley – “Buy It Now!”

From yesterday’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

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Jon Fleischman

Updated — Today’s Commentary: GOP Candidate “Katcho” in AD 33 Refuses To Sign “No New Taxes Pledge” — Putting Him Well Out Of The Republican Main Stream

UPDATE: GOP candidate Matt Kokkonen has now signed the ATR pledge and faxed it in. His campaign consultant assures me that when Kokkonen ran for Asembly a few years back he signed the pledge at that time as well. We are hopeful that "Katcho" Achadjian will also sign and fax in the pledge as well. This will allow Republicans to unifty againt the Democrats this fall on the tax issue. ORIGINAL POST : 7:18AM A few weeks ago, FlashReport contributor Matt Rexroad brought to our attention an editorialRead More

Jon Fleischman

Carly Fiorina Launches New Statewide TV Ad: “Safe”

"Battle Tested" and "Conservative" Fiorina take on Senator Boxer on the issue of national security as the former HP Chairman starts to shift her campaign into a general election posture…

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Frank Schubert


To the average voter, it sounds so innocent.

Levy on tax on lobbyists to finance a “pilot project” that would pay the campaign expenses of candidates in the next two elections for Secretary of State.

But like many ballot initiatives that promise one thing and deliver something quite different, Prop 15 is not what its backers say it is.

Prop 15 doesn’t stop with two elections. It would repeal the ban on tax-supported campaigns statewide. With a simple majority vote, legislators could finance their own campaigns with taxpayer dollars. The same is true for city councils and boards of supervisors.

And it doesn’t stop with the lobbyist tax. Prop 15 invites legislators to use the General Fund or “other sources” to pay for campaign expenses. Those “other sources” include new taxes and fees – not to pay the salaries of police officers and teachers, but to pay for negative ads and junk mail.

Four years ago, 74 percent of voters said NO to Prop 89, a plan to tax businesses to finance political campaigns. In 2000, two-thirds of voters rejected another public campaign financing scheme, Proposition… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Whitman Launches New negative TV Ad: “Ask Steve”

Meg Whitman has launched a new anti-Poizner ad — very similar to one previously launched, with some new video shots of her opponent…

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Jon Fleischman

Onslaught of Terrible Bills In The State Senate

In case you need some sort of poignant reminder of exactly how whacked out Capitol Democrats are — and how they literally are continuing to over-regulate California, and expand the "Nanny State" — we need only publish for you a list released by the State Senate Republican Caucus highlighting what are just some of the terrible pieces of legislation coming up for a vote in the Senate (it’s just as bad in the Assembly!)… Republicans are opposed to all of these… And before you comment or ask, YES, these are FOR REAL. We did NOT make these up.

TAXES SCA 6 (Simitian) – Lowers threshold to raise local taxes–Undermines taxpayer protection. Amends the Constitution to permit school districts, community college… Read More

Jon Fleischman

LAUSD Shamelessly Uses Taxpayer Funds To Advocate For Property Tax Measure

There is nothing more insidious than when government uses taxpayer dollars to advocate for tax increases. When you see it happen, it makes your stomach turn — and it happens all too often. With a h/t to FR friend Scott Schmidt, we bring you the latest egregious example of the taxpayers who finance the deficit-challenged Los Angeles Unified School District being plied with persuasive "informational" commercials about Measure E — a massive property tax increase measure coming up for a vote that, if passed, would increase property taxes in that district to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars ($370 million, to be more precise, says LAUSD). We note that at the same time that LAUSD is asking taxpayers to pony up more cash, there are no attendant reforms or accountability measures being put forward by LAUSD politicians. Go figure.

There are two "information" tv ads out… Read More

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