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Meredith Turney

McClintock for President

It wasn’t too long ago that Tom McClintock supporters started a Draft Tom movement to encourage the then-state senator to run for Congress. Now, McClintock’s faithful supporters have dusted off the Draft Tom campaign—but this time it’s to encourage the Congressman to run for a far loftier office than Congress or governor; the goal is the White House. Yesterday I received a message from Sacramento Republican activist Steve Macías informing me of his involvement with the Draft Tom McClintock for President Committee. The web site for the committee features the viral YouTube video of McClintock denouncing Mexican President Felipe Calderón for attacking the Arizona immigration law in his address to Congress last month. With over a million views, McClintock’s defense of America has resonated with average voters throughout the country. The 2012 presidential race is already in fullRead More

Matt Rexroad

Flashback on TVC Voter Guide

In 1994 I was the Chief of Staff for then Assemblyman Wm. J. "Pete Knight. We had a total of three people on staff. Sharon Thorson and me in the Capitol and one person in the Palmdale district office.

In the early fall that year the phones just started lighting up with upset people that were convinced that the Assemblyman was a closet liberal. No mater what we told them they would scream at us that Pete Knight was this closet RINO that really was a plant. When we finally got someone sane on the phone that would talk to us we found out that the Traditional Values Coalition had sent out what seemed like umpteen million cards claiming that Pete Knight was pro-choice (and something else that I can’t remember).

Well our phones lit up. People screamed at us. No matter what we told them they did not care.

Constituents were actually calling Pete Knight’s office and telling us we were working for a closet liberal.

When I called the people in charge of the card it was too late. They were printed and out.

It appears that 59th Assembly District Republican candidate… Read More

Duane Dichiara

What I got in the mail June 2nd and 3rd

SCHENIRER FOR SACRAMNTO COUNCIL “A Community is Like a Family” (my wife by the way liked the Schenirer series more than I did), WHITMAN FOR GOVERNOR “True Conservative”, SLATEMAILER “The Family, Faith, and Freedom Association”. Note: I haven’t seen a piece of Poizner mail.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gun Owners Of CA: “Meg Whitman Is A Gun Control Liberal”

Sam Paredes and I go way back — to my days at President of the California Republican Assembly in the mid-90’s. There is no one I know who is more passionate about Second Amendment issues than Sam. Sam has the perfect job — he is Executive Director of Gun Owners of California.

Today Last month (correction) GOC endorsed Steve Poizner for Governor, and Sam (who has never had trouble with free expression) sent over this piece…

Meg Whitman is a Gun Control Liberal By Sam Paredes, Executive Director of Gun Owners of California Every day, shooters and sportsmen are growing more wary of Meg Whitman. While she’s beenRead More

Jon Fleischman

Breitbart Profiled on CBN

FlashReport friend and Californian Andrew Breitbart was recently interviewed and profiled on CBN — check it out!

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Jon Fleischman

Thursday Afternoon Potpourri

Tom Campbell has put up a new ad worth 30 seconds to watch. He makes the case that you should vote for him because an LA Times survey says that voters support him over Barbara Boxer. This argument is totally not-compelling to me. While people should feel free to vote for Campbell if they like his positions on the issues, I am still suffering from post traumatic stress disorder from having served as Executive Director of the California Republican party in the 2000 election cycle when Campbell was our nominee for U.S. Senate against Dianne Feinstein. Campbell made all of the same arguments then as he is now about why he thinks he has the best chance of winning. Why didn’t he win in 2000? Turns out Campbell, who is a nice guy, is a lousy fundraiser. I wonder how a poll would show him doing against Boxer after a few months of being out-spent twenty to one? I would find it more compelling if Campbell could articulate in a commercial what he is going to do differently in 2010 than he did in 2000… Let me make it clear — I like Steve Poizner. He’s personable, … Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Practical or Principled?

Yesterday on my way back from Sacramento, I tuned into one of my favorite talk radio hosts, Tom Sullivan (a long-time KFBK personality, Sullivan is now syndicated and works out of New York).During yesterday’s show, Sullivan asked listeners to call in and discuss a handful of important U.S. Senate seats, including Barbara Boxer’s seat. He wanted to know if people were practical voters (voting for the candidate most likely to win) or principled voters (voting for the candidate most near and dear to your heart and political beliefs). His analysis of the California seat, in a nutshell, was this:Chuck DeVore is the Tea Party candidate and doesn’t have a shot at unseating Boxer; Carly Fiorina is an unknown political entity, a disgraced corporate exec (his words, not mine) and doesn’t have a shot; Tom Campbell is an experienced public servant and respected academic and is the only candidate that has a shot at unseating Boxer.Practical voters would vote for Campbell. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Three Minutes With John Dennis: Jim Lacy Interviews The Man Who Would Retire Nancy Pelosi

FlashReport Contributor Jim Lacy had an opportunity recently to interview GOP Congressional candidate John Dennis, who hopes to be the Republican Party’s standard bearer against Speaker Nancy Pelosi this Fall… In the photo to the right, Dennis is pictured with retired Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr, at the 2009 Western CPAC Conference

Three Minutes With John Dennis By Jim Lacy One of the most interesting races in the Bay Area is the GOP primary fight in the 8th Congressional District for the right to take on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. I caught up with the leading candidate, John Dennis, for a brief chat on the campaign trail…

JL: You have an unusual background for a Republican candidate… … Read More

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