LAUSD Shamelessly Uses Taxpayer Funds To Advocate For Property Tax Measure
There is nothing more insidious than when government uses taxpayer dollars to advocate for tax increases. When you see it happen, it makes your stomach turn — and it happens all too often. With a h/t to FR friend Scott Schmidt, we bring you the latest egregious example of the taxpayers who finance the deficit-challenged Los Angeles Unified School District being plied with persuasive "informational" commercials about Measure E — a massive property tax increase measure coming up for a vote that, if passed, would increase property taxes in that district to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars ($370 million, to be more precise, says LAUSD). We note that at the same time that LAUSD is asking taxpayers to pony up more cash, there are no attendant reforms or accountability measures being put forward by LAUSD politicians. Go figure.
There are two "information" tv ads out… Read More