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Jon Fleischman

Martin Garrick Reports From The Sausage Factory

They say that anyone who actually visits a sausage-making factory will never eat sausage again. Assembly Republican Leader Martin Garrick and his 43 other fellow Republican legislators have a similar plight – they have to be so close to the process of watching out-of-control liberals pass horrific legislation that it probably makes them ill.

In this video, Garrick lays it out…

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Jennifer Nelson

A round of applause for Steve Jobs

I’ve not seen much coverage of this issue in the U.S. press, but according to the U.K.’s Guardian, Steve Jobs is committed to keeping pornography off his i-products.

In April, he said at a press conference: "You know, there’s a porn store for Android [phones using Google’s software]. You can download porn, your kids can download porn. That’s a place we don’t want to go – so we’re not going to go there."

In late May, according to The Guardian, he had the following exchange with a writer for Gawker website (a New York news & gossip website):

In an email exchange with Ryan Tate, a writer for the Gawker website, Jobs set out his stall very clearly. Tate, annoyed by an iPad advert calling it a "revolution", challenged Jobs: "If [Bob] Dylan [one of Jobs’s childhood heroes] was 20 today, how

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Jon Fleischman

Carlson in F&H Daily: “What Really Happens if Prop 14 Passes”

Your "must read" of the day is over at the Fox and Hounds Daily website. It is penned by my colleague, California Republican Party Treasurer Keith Carlson…

It begins… What Really Happens if Prop 14 Passes By Keith Carlson Treasurer of the California Republican Party What they hope will happen versus what we know will happen. There is a difference between the two when it comes to the results of Prop 14 possibly passing.Read More

Ray Haynes

Left Wing Fools

I received a number of emails yesterday about the case where Steve Cooley’s District Attorney office refused to charge a criminal under three strikes (which would have put this criminal, whose prior felonies were for rape and residential burglary, away for life), and instead charged him in such a way that he would only serve 32 months in jail. The criminal got, and four days later killed a young girl.

The criminal had sold $5.00 worth of marijuana to an undercover cop. He had previous raped a woman, and broke into someone’s home. Had Cooley pursued three strikes vigorously, he would have been attacked by the left for giving a life sentence a relatively minor crime. But had he pursued three strikes, a homeless girl would be alive today, instead of the victim of a brutal murder by a hardened criminal.

Remember the so-called pizza thief, the guy who got a life sentence for stealing pizza from a ten year old boy? The left screamed about how unfair this was. What they did not tell you was that this thug had been convicted of armed robbery, aggravated assault, mayhem, and a series of other really ugly crimes. He stole the pizza from the boy by… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Latest “Science Project” From SF Board of Supes — “Radioactive Cell Phones” – Seriously

In Lewis Carroll’s 1871 book, Through the Looking Glass And What Alice Found There, we have a girl who can step through the parlor-room mirror into an alternative world – a world of fantasy. As someone who spends quite a bit of time reading about political happenings around the country, and especially in California, I can tell you that there is no place that is more peculiar, in terms of enacting the more bizarre and uniquely harmful regulations, or wealth redistribution schemes, than San Francisco. You literally can’t make up the stuff that goes on there. And then there is the fact that just about anything can see the negative consequences of these bizarre ordinances – except the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco – we seem “shocked” when their efforts to create their own bizarre utopia blow up in their faces.

A great example would be the fact that the city is in an uproar about whether to adopt a “sit/lie” policy which says, now get this, that during certain… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Foy’s Nominal Opponent Commits Gaffe On Mailer

FlashReport readers are very familiar with Peter Foy. You’ll recall that in addition to being Chairman of the Americans for Prosperity California chapter, Peter is an elected Ventura County Supervisor. What you may not know is that Peter was elected to the Board of Supes four years ago by taking on and defeating an incumbent RINO (Republican In Name Only). Since then, Foy has been a solid conservative leader in Ventura County, and he is coasting towards a big re-election this Tuesday night.

Foy does have an opponent, however nominal, who would not even be worth writing about, except for his big-time blunder in for all I know is his only mail piece. Foy’s opponent is a Moorpark School Board Trustee by the name of Bruce Thomas. A mail piece just dropped for Thomas (the entire piece is viewable through the link below) but check out the clip from… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: The 2010 Primary Election Contest!!!

It’s that time again. Stop what you are doing and take a stab. Send your picks to me here. (do not post them as a comment).

Deadline is 7:55 p.m. on June 8 (or anytime before).

Winners will be announced after the election, when I can get to it, or later in the case of any hand counts or other chads-like determinations by the Registrar, especially if followed by protracted lawsuits and court battles.

The contest victors get the ultimate prize – their fellow hacks’ amazement at their prowess.

On yes, in the past, some FR readers have complained that this contest is too "San Diego oriented." Well, yes, I do write about San Diego area politics. It is your choice to participate. Or not.

So, here we go, eleven questions and a couple of tie-breakers, if needed…

1. Chula Vista Fair and Open Competition Initiative: Will Measure G win or lose?

2. Oceanside Charter City question: Will Measure K win or lose?

3. Poway (two part question, must get them both correct):

a) Will Betty Rexford… Read More

Jill Buck

California Agencies are Reaching for the Wrong Superlatives

Sometimes I wonder if agencies like the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) make it past their own headlines and read the rest of the newspaper. The above-the-fold front page headline in Thursday’s Tri Valley Herald reads, “Air board gets jump on pollutants,” and goes on to explain a new set of thresholds requiring builders to conduct pollution reduction studies before developing projects that fall within the typical range of what cities call “infill development.”Infill development has helped many cities replace blighted areas in their downtown areas with new, affordable housing for residents who want to work in the cities and enjoy short, often public transportation-enabled, commutes. While the executive director of the BAAQMD, Jack Broadbent, was patting himself and the agency on the back for being the first to adopt such guidelines, business leaders and advocates of affordable housing were not so enthusiastic. Adding additional legal hurdles to the development of badly needed urban housing in California only … Read More

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