Posted by Barry Jantz at 12:00 am on Jun 06, 2010 2 Comments
It’s that time again. Stop what you are doing and take a
stab. Send your picks to me here. (do not
post them as a comment).
Deadline is 7:55 p.m. on June 8 (or anytime before).
Winners will be announced after the election, when I can get to
it, or later in the case of any hand counts or other chads-like
determinations by the Registrar, especially if followed by
protracted lawsuits and court battles.
The contest victors get the ultimate prize – their fellow hacks’
amazement at their prowess.
On yes, in the past, some FR readers have complained that this
contest is too "San Diego oriented." Well, yes, I do write
about San Diego area politics. It is your choice to
participate. Or not.
So, here we go, eleven questions and a couple of tie-breakers,
if needed…
1. Chula Vista Fair and Open Competition Initiative: Will
Measure G win or lose?
2. Oceanside Charter City question: Will Measure K win
or lose?
3. Poway (two part question, must get them both
a) Will Betty Rexford… Read More