A Few Short Thoughts – Part I
Overmy next few posts,in no particular order, will be a bunch of miscellaneous facts or observations from yours truly on various aspects of the state of things in Washington, D.C. today. Unlike some of my ramblings, these will all be short. I’m not sure that this is accurate to say, since this stuff emanates from the seat of the nation’s enormously bloated government, but I’ll say it anyway – Enjoy!
Apparently, Congress will not take up or pass a budget this year. The Budget Act requiring an annual budget was passed in 1974. The House has never failed to produce and pass a budget since then…until this year. The person responsible for producing that budget, Budget Committee Chairman John Spratt (D-SC) famously remarked in 2006 "if you can’t budget, you can’t govern." I guess the Democrat majority can’t govern. Can you say dysfunctional? The so-called Financial Reform Bill has now passed both the House and the Senate. But the versions are quite different from one another,so a conference committee is currently resolving those multiple differences and it will have to pass both chambers again in … Read More