Thanks Federal Government, We Don’t Need Your Help
On Sunday, our Arrogant-Lazy-Authoritarian-In-Chief (ALAIC), Gavin Newsom, said, on television, that the federal government had a “moral obligation” to cover his behind for his excessive lock down order issued March 19 of this year, an order that remains in effect. It remains in effect, even though the original rationale for the order, that is, that 22 million Californians would be infected by the disease by today, proved to be grossly overestimated. ALAIC Newsom wasn’t just a little wrong, he was wrong by about 22 million people, and his order has threatened the financial stability of the very hospitals he was hoping to protect, not to mention driven millions of Californians to bankruptcy. ALAIC Newsom said that the number of unemployed people has reached “Depression-era” numbers, and he now faces a $54 billion budget deficit and 25% unemployment numbers.
The problem is that these “Depression-era” numbers are entirely of his own making. He overreacted to the disease, pure and simple, acted prematurely, and rather than use public health protocols that had been used over and over again for other flu-based and communicable… Read More