Ersatz Governor Brown: “The Plan Is The Process”
Jerry Brown wants a return trip to the Governor’s mansion, where somehow he is going to fix state government. Obviously I am biased — I think that Brown’s time as Governor greatly helped us towards the mess we are in now, which I lay soundly at the feet of his liberal colleagues in Sacramento. These folks have figured out a way to overspend in every direction possible, and over-tax Californians to try and pay for it. Our current "budget crisis" is due entirely to this situation. But I digress…
Jerry Brown was on CNBC this morning, being interviewed by Jane Wells. Once again, we queue Brown up for another "you can’t make this stuff up" moment, in which the following exchange takes place…
Wells" "When will we get a specific plan?" [Remember, Brown has already said that his plan won’t be revealed until after he is Governor] Brown: "The plan is to go over each… Read More