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Congressman Buck McKeon

Out of Control Spending

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Jon Fleischman

Whitman Launches Anti-Brown Spot

I am sure that the coalition of big labor unions that has and is going to fund most of the effort against Republican Meg Whitman’s campaign for Governor had this "vision" that they could attack and pummel Whitman, and that she would sit idly by. Umm, no.

Today the Whitman for Governor campaign launched their first piece exposing Jerry Brown for the long time, problem creating politician that he is.

Here is the ad…

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Barry Jantz

U-T’s America’s Finest Blog in limbo

As changes at the Union-Trib continue with last week’s seventh round of staff layoffs, it appears no stone is being left unturned as management determines the future of the paper, including its online content. Check out yesterday’s entry by Chris Reed on America’s Finest Blog

Let’s hope the mucketies at the paper find continued value in pushing the blog medium forward and allowing it to expand, not gutting it. Reed’s blog gives some unique political perspective and more of a cutting edge approach than can be found in the traditional broadsheet.

If anything has held AFB back from more of a following, it’s been the U-T’s lack of hi-liting and marketing it, so more readers would know it was there.

All of these things take money, of course, something not as abundant as a few years ago, especially in the world of newsprint. However, the future of news is in the far less costly electrons of on-line content, as compared to paper and ink.

It would seem a step backwards to end a blog… Read More

Mike Spence

Conservatives Won on Election Day

If I had a dollar for every time some liberal newspaper or pundit said conservatives lost an election, I could well run for Governor of California. Of course most of the time they are wrong and the June 2010 election is one example. In the June primary conservatives won.

“What,” you may say? Meg Whitman is our GOP nominee. So is Carly Fiorina. How did conservatives win?

If I had a dollar for every time some liberal newspaper or pundit said conservatives lost an election, I could well run for Governor of California. Of course most of the time they are wrong and the June 2010 election is one example.

In the June primary conservatives won.

“What,” you may say? Meg Whitman is our GOP nominee. So is Carly Fiorina. How did conservatives win?

Simply look at messaging. Someone show me the ad that Meg Whitman ran saying “I am a moderate vote for me”. I saw a lot of ads beating up Steve Poizner for being a liberal and implying that she was more conservative. Show me otherwise and I will buy you lunch.

Carly Fiorina ran ads beating up Tom Campbell on taxes and featuring Sarah Palin. She got pro-life endorsements as well. Again show… Read More

Assemblyman Nathan Fletcher

WE Include & Best Buddies

In my campaign for the State Assembly, we made a promise to the Director of San Diego’s Partnerships With Industry that if elected, our office would employ an individual with a developmental disability. We kept that promise and are proud to take part in First Lady Maria Shriver’s WE Include Program, which focuses on opening doors to employment for individuals with developmental disabilities In April of 2009, Jay Bariuan joined our team. He came via a referral from Partnerships With Industry—an organization that pairs developmentally disabled adults with good jobs in the San Diego area.Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Steve Moore: “Unions on the Run in the Golden State”

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…… Read More

Jon Coupal

New Senate Democrat Budget Plan a Direct Assault on Proposition 13

Rather than taking responsibility for their own out-of-control Tax-and-Spend habits, Senate Democrats today once again blamed Proposition 13 for California’s woes as they proposed massive tax increases on Californians, under the guise of shifting the money to provide local services. The proposed plan would increase either oil severance tax or sales taxes via a majority vote. Removing tax breaks for struggling businesses and making permanent last year’s .5% increase in the Car Tax round out the increases.

The Senate plan represents more of the same from the majority party. Democrats have yet to learn that attacking Proposition 13 using a majority vote is a non-starter both with California taxpayers and in the courts. Rather than continuing to use this landmark proposition as a scapegoat for their fiscal ineptitude, the leaders should figure out how to use $88 billion in General Fund revenue to serve the most people without raising taxes during these tough economic times.

Taxes should be off the table during this time of economic recession. What message does an oil severance or car tax send to our drivers who don’t want to see gas prices… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State To Replace License Plates With “Mini Billboards?”

Another one for the "you just can’t make this stuff up" files… Democrat legislator Curran Price has introduced legislation that would explore requiring California automobiles replace their existing unobtrusive license plates with electronic signs — mini billboards. The state would then sell advertising on them. In the proposal, the ads would only pop up if the car was stationary at least four seconds.

Are you kidding?

My car is my car. I don’t want a billboard on my car. Period. Never mind the fact that I might not like a particular product (or political candidate?) advertising on my car’s mini-billboard, the bigger issue is that I don’t want an advertisement on my car at all.

Look, I "get it" that the right-sizing of state government to what can be afforded through the existing state tax code — it’s not easy for all of those people in the private sector to have to make cuts in their spending, either.

I also don’t want to discourage creative and "out of the… Read More

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