Money down?
These are not final numbers but I was looking at spending by Assembly candidates in this past primary season. My guess was that Republican candidates for the Assembly in reasonably safe seats raised and spent less money in 2010 than they did in 2008.
Total expenditures during the reporting periods are helpful because if people loan themselves money and it is real then we see it spent. $100,000 going in and out of an account does not come into play by looking at expenditures.
My comparison did not include and look at independent expenditures and was focused on the final reporting period prior to the election. 8 seats from each cycle. I tossed out AD 5 and AD 68 from this cycle because of the dominant posture of the two primary winners.
In 2008 I looked at — AD 2 (Nielsen, Schaupp) AD 3 (Logue, Horne) AD 10 (Sieglock, Hegyi, Sander) AD 15 (Wilson, Kamena, Rao, Lloyd) AD 34 (Conway, Smith, Becky Maze) AD 36 (Knight, Fox, Ledford) AD 64 (Nestande, McCarty) AD 71 (Miller, Blais)
In 2010 I considered — AD 25 (Olsen, Keating, van der Weide, Conrad) AD 29 (Halerman, McKinney, Whalen)… Read More