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Meredith Turney

Union Hypocrisy

The front page of the Wall Street Journal today featured a great article exposing the hypocrisy of unions. The title says it all: “To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets.”

According to the story, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is hiring people (who are neither carpenters or in unions) to protest against nonunion companies. The union’s excuse? They claim “it’s really difficult to have [union members] come out, either because of parking or something else.” Really? If finding parking is the biggest deterrent to protesting against companies using nonunion workers, then maybe it isn’t a big priority for union members—just their power-greedy leadership.

Even better, the union asserts it’s helping the unemployed by paying nonunion picketers. I’m sure President Obama would approve of this job growth calculation.

California unions and interest groups are also participating in the rent-a-mob hypocrisy. “In California, one group is offering to pay $10 and up per hour to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Steinberg Pet Commission Produces Predictable Outcome: Bashing The Private Sector

When liberal State Senate President Darrell Steinberg announced that creating a new State Senate Office of Oversight and Outcomes, staffing it up with lefty ex-newspaper reporters, and then dispatching them to do their thing, looking at whatever they want, it is of course no surprise that they are not using this as an opportunity to look at how state government is functioning internally, but rather to determine if state government is adequately (to their mind) is doing a good job at being a regulator of business.

In this case, a column from David Lazurus (who if he is not a charter member of the ACLU, it is not out of lack of desire) highlights a report due out from the "Ex-Reporters On The Taxpayer Dole Blasting Private Companies" Commission today that, in essence, takes on the Public Utilities Commission for not being strict enough on telecom companies like Verizon and AT&T.

It is significant to note that their main beef with the PUC is that over the last few years, the aforementioned companies have not lost market share.… Read More

Meredith Turney

The Monolithic LA City Council

The LA Weekly blog is reporting the Center for Governmental Studies just issued a report showing the LA City Council votes unanimously 99.993% of the time. That’s an astounding statistic. I can’t think of any other major voting body with that kind of voting record.

Some could argue that LA politicians have figured out how to get along and therefore vote consistently. But one look at LA’s $485 million deficit and anyone could tell that if every council member for a city as large as Los Angeles is voting in one accord, they are probably not representing the best interests of their constituents.

The LA Weekly blogger, Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Let’s Hope The Supreme Court Agrees That AB 1179 Is Unconstitutional — It’s Is “Nanny Statism” At Its Worst

Back in 2005 the legislature passed and the Governor signed AB 1179, legislation by ultra-liberal Democrat Leland Yee. This terrible piece of “nanny-statist” legislation presumed to once again assert state government in the role of parenting our children, in this case regulating the sale of violent video games to people under 18. Completely ignoring the fact that there is an existing rating system for video games that works well, the legislature and, ironically, Governor Schwarzenegger, supported this bad bill.

Fortunately, this particular advance of big government was thwarted by numerous California courts, included a unanimous rejection by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It is significant to note that this brings to an even dozen the number of similar laws around the country that have been declared unconstitutional. In the case of AB 1179, the United States Supreme Court has agreed to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.

Never before have U.S.courts used expressions of violence as the basis for a restriction on our Constitutional rights to free speech. You may not like certain video games, but do you really want the government to tell… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Let’s Hope The Supreme Court Agrees That AB 1179 Is Unconstitutional — It’s Is “Nanny Statism” At Its Worst

Back in 2005 the legislature passed and the Governor signed AB 1179, legislation by ultra-liberal Democrat Leland Yee. This terrible piece of “nanny-statist” legislation presumed to once again assert state government in the role of parenting our children, in this case regulating the sale of violent video games to people under 18. Completely ignoring the fact that there is an existing rating system for video games that works well, the legislature and, ironically, Governor Schwarzenegger, supported this bad bill.

Fortunately, this particular advance of big government was thwarted by numerous California courts, included a unanimous rejection by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. It is significant to note that this brings to an even dozen the number of similar laws around the country that have been declared unconstitutional. In the case of AB 1179, the United States Supreme Court has agreed to review the decision of the Court of Appeals.

Never before have U.S.courts used expressions of violence as the basis for a restriction on our Constitutional rights to free speech. You may not like certain video games, but do you really want the government to tell… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Dutton: “…Speaker Perez has chosen to abandon common sense…”

This just in from State Senate Republican Leader Elect Bob Dutton, who really calls Assembly Speaker John Perez to task… Time for Legislative Leaders and Governor to Work Out Budget Agreement Senator Bob Dutton Today marks the 14th day California taxpayers are being held hostage without a state budget. Currently, the state is spending $52 million a day more than it is bringing in. This delay has now cost taxpayers more than $725 million. As theRead More

BOE Member George Runner

Budget Talks: It’s time for California to reset state spending

On Monday, I had the pleasure to sit down with my local paper, the Antelope Valley Press, to discuss California’s state budget (which, aseveryone knows is stalled in negotiations because the Democrat leaders are at odds with one another). My discussion with the AVP Ed Board resulted in this story where my message is simple: This is the time for us to seriously reset spending levels. We also discussed the wonderfully conservative governance by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has unflinchingly taken on the school and state unions, and in so doing brought fiscal sanity to a once broken state. California leaders have much to learn from Christie.… Read More

Mike Spence

Good Riddance Ron George

King Ron George will finally leave the building. Chief Justice Ron George will not longer be the Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court. Good riddance.

Ron George epitomizes what is wrong about allowing activist judges to dictate their personal views into law. Same-sex marriage is just one example of how George’s so-called leadership has played out. George’s court redefined overturned the will of the people and re-defined marriage. Then knowing there was an election just a few month away refused to stay the order. Why? In order to insure the views of the great and wonderful George could become law in a cold political calculation to influence the November election. For this he will be remembered.

The Parental consent case that George presided over showed his willingness to undermine the judicial system in order to impose his social views on the people of California. As many know a bi-partisan parental consent law was passed the Legislature and signed by Governor Deukmejian. The law was on hold until the court cases could be resolved. Turns out the California State Supreme Court actually upheld the constitutionality of the law. At that point there were… Read More

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