Union Hypocrisy
The front page of the Wall Street Journal today featured a great article exposing the hypocrisy of unions. The title says it all: “To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets.”
According to the story, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is hiring people (who are neither carpenters or in unions) to protest against nonunion companies. The union’s excuse? They claim “it’s really difficult to have [union members] come out, either because of parking or something else.” Really? If finding parking is the biggest deterrent to protesting against companies using nonunion workers, then maybe it isn’t a big priority for union members—just their power-greedy leadership.
Even better, the union asserts it’s helping the unemployed by paying nonunion picketers. I’m sure President Obama would approve of this job growth calculation.
California unions and interest groups are also participating in the rent-a-mob hypocrisy. “In California, one group is offering to pay $10 and up per hour to… Read More