A Response To The Left-Wing CA Budget Project’s Attack On Study Showing Economic Damage That Would Come With Passage Of Prop. 24
Many FlashReport readers that closely follow California policy are familiar with the California Budget Project. Hiding behind a rather innocent-sounding name, this group is staffed with hard-left ideologues who are passionately committed to the idea that bigger government is better government (right on their website’s splash-page is an article entitled, "Why Tax Cuts Don’t Work.").
While we respect them for being passionate ideologues, we think it is important when possible to provide counter-point to their advocacy for the modern welfare state.
Proposition 24, which will appear on the November ballot (courtesy of major funding from the California Teachers Association) seeks to undo changes in the state tax code implemented last year that, for all practical purposes, would make Californian a costlier place to do business for a good number of the state’s larger employers. While we here at FR were very unhappy about the 2009 budget deal, and its massive tax increases, these tax code changes were a positive by-product.
The No on 24 campaign released a University of Southern California study on how the passage of 24, repealing… Read More