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Meredith Turney

Americans for Prosperity Launches TV Ad—Starring California

The State of California has landed a starring role in a new TV ad—but it’s not a particularly flattering one. Americans for Prosperity launched an ad campaign in 11 states and 27 media markets this week exposing the outrageous expenditure of taxpayer money in the $862 billion stimulus plan. One of the projects used to “stimulate the economy” was $1.1 million to resurface Hollywood’s Sunset Strip. In light of the 2.7 million jobs lost in America, spending $1 million to repave a road in a wealthy, glamorous locale shows a shocking disconnect with the priorities of average citizens.

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Jon Fleischman

CRP Treasurer Carlson To Look At 2012 Assembly Run, Baric Announces Bid For State Party Vice Chairman, Welch Launches Secretary Bid

Today is a big day for breaking news for California Republican Party politics. Today CRPTreasurer Keith Carlson announced the formation of an exploratory committee looking at a run for the State Assembly – for a run in 2012. He is looking at the coastal Orange County seat currently occupied by Assemblyman Jim Silva, who is running for his third and final term this year. Carlson’s efforts start strong out of the gate with support from Silva, as well as popular local Congressmaen Dana Rohrabacher and Ed Royce, District Attorney Tony Rackauckas, Assemblyman Van Tran, along with a host of others. Carlson is a well-respected conservative. His new exploratory bid website can be found here.

Carlson’s announcement has significant impacts in the world of California Republican Party Central Committee politics. Carlson was the leading (and only) announced candidate for the CRP Vice Chairmanship – and in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CPOA Endorses Meg Whitman For Governor

The California Peace Officers’ Association has endorsed Meg Whitman for Governor of California. The following is a column penned by their President, Jim McDonnell… Keep California Safe: Elect Meg Whitman By Jim McDonnell, California Peace Officers’ Association President We all want a safe and more prosperous California. There’s one candidate for governor with the vision to make that happen. Since the beginning of her campaign, Meg Whitman has said that protecting Californians is the first priority of government, because without safe communities nothing else we do matters. Meg recognizes that this begins with supporting our firstRead More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: U.S. Rep. Ed Royce: Speaking Out On Spending!

Congressman Ed Royce is featured today on the House Republican America Speaking Out website, talking about the need to cut spending. Below is a video that the California Congressman taped for the site. Watch the video — then speak out right here.

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Jon Fleischman

Senate President Steinberg Literally In Denial About Whether Californians Want Tax Increases

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg has been pitching his budget plan (the one that calls for a big tax increase on the middle class) to the several newspapers in hopes of getting more support. I wrote about that plan recently, sharing with readers what a bad idea it truly is.

In today’s Sacramento Bee, Steinberg was asked how he can support higher taxes when California voters rejected Proposition 1A at the ballot box in May 2009. Amazingly, Steinberg answered the question by saying “I don’t think voters rejected 1A because of the taxes,” and then blamed its failure on those who saw it as a “spending cap.”

It’s bad enough that Steinberg would speak on behalf of the 65% of voters who voted against Proposition 1A, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cook Political Report Shifts Sanchez Reelect — No Longer “Likely Democrat”

Endangered House Democrat Loretta Sanchez of Orange County, according to premiere DC Political Analyst Charlie Cook, is officially flying into the "danger zone" as her re-election, along with that of nine other Democrats around the country, has been shifted in an unfavorable direction. In the case of Sanchez, up to this point, Cook had rated her reelection "likely Democrat" — but as of today, that has been downgraded (or from our perspective, upgraded) to a "lean Democrat."

You can expect Sanchez and the DCCC to try to downplay this to the media (got that, Dena?) while simultaneously trying to shamelessly use it to press for campaign cash.

This reassessment of Sanchez’ chances comes as the campaign of Assemblyman Van Tran swings into high gear — with his fundraising going very well, and his ground operation already at full throttle.

Those familiar with stick shift cards know that you have to put a car that… Read More

Meredith Turney

Breaking: 9th U.S. Circuit Court Blocks Gay Marriage Until December

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court justruled that Proposition 8 will remain the lawin California until appeals are heard in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case.The court issued the ruling after Judge Vaughn Walker’s recent ruling found Proposition 8 unconstitutional and would have permitted gay marriages to be performed as early as this week.

Today’s decision means that until an appeal is heard, Proposition 8’s protections will remain in place.The Sac Bee is reporting that an appeal could be heard in December,meaning Proposition 8 will remain intact until at least 2011.

This is good news for the protection of traditional marriage and fair to all parties involved. After all, it would be unfair to allow a brief window of gay marriagesas when Proposition 22 was overturned just months before Proposition 8 was passed. Gay marriages performed during that period left couples in a legal limbo. Until this legal process is completely exhausted, the will of the people should stand as the law of the… Read More

Shawn Steel

Jerry’s Secret : WSJ & Pajamas Media

A huge story that needs lots of coverage.

"What’s troubling in all of this is not that [Jerry] Brown makes a good pension–or even that there may be some discrepancy about how much he makes versus how much he deserves. It is that the whole thing is SECRET!

"Let’s think this through for half a second. At a time when pension funds are bankrupting or potentially bankrupting states all across the country, when aging populations are forcing the reconsideration of all sorts of social security programs on practically every country on Earth (countries that have them, anyway), and when the state of California–the sixth or is it seventh, biggest economy in the world–is about to, once again, pay its employees with vouchers because it’s got zippity-do-dah in the bank, some officials of that state are receiving pensions whose size and identity we do not know and are not allowed to see"

Roger Simon for with news that Jerry Brown, has a state pension the size… Read More

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