U.S. Term Limits praises Carly Fiorina for supporting term limits for Congress
This just in from our friends at U.S. Term Limits…
U.S. Term Limits praises Carly Fiorina for supporting term limits for Congress
August 24th, 2010, Fairfax, VA—Term limits advocates echoed agreement with Carly Fiorina, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, who announced her support for limiting Senate terms this past weekend. “Carly Fiorina has it exactly right when she proposes that Senators should only serve two terms. Our nation was intended to be a citizen government, not one run by professional politicians,” said U.S. Term Limits President Philip Blumel. Fiorina faces three-term incumbent Barbara Boxer, who was first elected in 1992. Boxer has been a steadfast opponent of term limits.… Read More