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Jon Fleischman

Live Tweeting The Debate

Check out my live-tweeting from the U.S. Senate debate…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jerry Roberts Critiques Food Spread In Debate Media Room

Here at the press room at the Fiorina Boxer debate, I asked CalBuzz blogger Jerry Roberts to critique the food spread…

I will certainly say that the food spread here doesn’t come close to the one from the Orange County Whitman-Poizner debate. Here is the video critique from that night…

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Duane Dichiara

San Diego Flips

America’s fifth largest county, San Diego, once more has a Republican plurality. In the last month or so the county has gone from a 4,850 Democrat advantage to a 891 Republican advantage. Cheers to San Diego County Republican Party Chairman Tony Krvaric and his team.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Stealthy teacher proves that education dollars should go to classroom, not bureaucracy

Here’s an inspiring story about an elementary school teacher who almost single-handedly turned a school’s math scores from dismal to great. Denise Maimone applied logic when she stealthily went into Georgetown Elementary School, located in a remote region of El Dorado County, and rejected the notion that every single 8th grader is somehow magically prepared for algebra, when in fact most aren’t. Instead, she parsed out those kids who were ill-prepared for the rigors of higher math and those who had the skills and brought the school’s math test scores up by 88 percentage points – the highest, by far, in the state. As a founder of a private Christian school, I have always supported and protected funding for education. It’s really a no-brainer to support the education of our future generation of kids. That being said, I don’t think California leaders achieveacademic greatness simplyRead More

Jon Fleischman

OCBC – Undeserved Raspberry? OCBC Says They Did NOT Support AB 1998…

Update:Apparently the OCBC did communicate their support for this bill to its proponents. We’re still waiting for the full story, but if there is an issue here, it would be internal to the OCBC, and not the fault of the social-engineers who want to ban plastic bags. As Drudge would say… developing…

630am – Original Post I penned a commentary on the defeat of AB 1998, the ban on plastic grocery bags, which you can see below this post. In my original draft, I hammered the Orange County Business Council pretty hard for supporting the bill. I made an assumption that because Senator Cedillo… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans Unanimously Call On Governor To Order An Appeal Filed In Prop. 8 Case

The entire membership of the Assembly Republican Caucus in the California State Assembly yesterday signed a letter to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger urging him and state Attorney General Jerry Brown to file a federal appeal of the Proposition 8 case, Perry v. Schwarzenegger, according to John C. Eastman, Director of the Claremont Institute’s Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence and former Dean of Chapman University School of Law, who helped draft up a very articulate letter.

“This is a significant statement of principle coming from the entirety of the Assembly Republican Caucus,” Eastman said. “It reflects respect for the established rule of law that no matter one’s personal opinion, a validly enacted state initiative must be defended in the courts by the elected officials charged with this responsibility. The Governor and Attorney General have a constitutional duty to appeal the Prop 8 ruling, and it is high time for them to fulfill their oath of office in this regard.”

Proposition 8 was passed by over seven million voters in 2008, gaining 52% of the vote. Its constitutionality was upheld the California Supreme Court in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Fleischman Interviews Rep. Tom Price, Chairman of the House Republican Study Committee

Yesterday one of the leading conservatives in America, United States Congressman Tom Price of Georgia, stopped into the International Headquarters of the FlashReport (located in the heart of Orange County). Price is the Chairman of the House Republican Study Committee — which to the uninitiated — is the conservative caucus within the House Republican Conference.

We whipped out the handy Flash FlipCam and conducted an on-the-spot interview with Representative Price… It runs just under five minutes. Hope you enjoy it as much as he and I enjoyed taping it!

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Jon Fleischman

Rep. Loretta Sanchez visits Hef & Crystal At The Playboy Mansion; Hef Tweets!

Embattled Democrat Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez continues to duck debates with her GOP challenger, popular Assemblyman Van Tran. One can presume, I suppose, that the important responsibilities of an important Member of Congress like Sanchez have her too busy for such "luxuries" as debating an opponent before a competitive election.

So what exactly is keeping Representative Sanchez busy?

You need look no farther than the Twitter feed of none other than Playboy Magazine founder and owner Hugh Hefner. Yesterday afternoon Hef tweeted, "Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez is having lunch at the Mansion. I’m a long time supporter."

One has to wonder if the choices that Loretta Sanchez makes in who she hangs with and where … Read More

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