More Quixotic Behavior From Jerry Brown, Beating Up Bill Clinton, Then Apologizing
Over the course of the past year, there has been a narrative developing… Everyone makes light of the fact that "you never know what Jerry Brown is going to say" — which is certainly true. But as his eccentric behavior exhibits itself more and more often, and his campaign theme starts to become "Tales of the Bizarre" — I think that more and more serious people are going to question Brown’s core competency. I was in elementary school when Brown was last Governor, so I don’t know if these "behavior issues" were pervasive then as well (were they?). Whether comparing Meg Whitman to former Nazi propaganda chief and genocidal maniac Joseph Goebbels, or now beating the rhetorical snot out of long-time ex-President Bill Clinton…
Oh well, it does make for good blogging.
So the Whitman campaign releases this commercial, which includes great clips from the 1992 Democrat Presidential debate, where Clinton takes off the proverbial gloves on his then fellow Presidential aspirant Brown…