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Jon Fleischman

More Quixotic Behavior From Jerry Brown, Beating Up Bill Clinton, Then Apologizing

Over the course of the past year, there has been a narrative developing… Everyone makes light of the fact that "you never know what Jerry Brown is going to say" — which is certainly true. But as his eccentric behavior exhibits itself more and more often, and his campaign theme starts to become "Tales of the Bizarre" — I think that more and more serious people are going to question Brown’s core competency. I was in elementary school when Brown was last Governor, so I don’t know if these "behavior issues" were pervasive then as well (were they?). Whether comparing Meg Whitman to former Nazi propaganda chief and genocidal maniac Joseph Goebbels, or now beating the rhetorical snot out of long-time ex-President Bill Clinton…

Oh well, it does make for good blogging.

So the Whitman campaign releases this commercial, which includes great clips from the 1992 Democrat Presidential debate, where Clinton takes off the proverbial gloves on his then fellow Presidential aspirant Brown…

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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

A couple of otherwise mostly-missing-from-the-mainstream missives from the San Diego area (and other places)…

Do 9/11 Responders Continue to Die?… A Fox News story indicates that about 900 emergency and rescue responders have died since 9/11, at least implying many of the deaths are a result of illnesses related to response conditions. Missing from the article is any reference to how this compares to death rates among emergency responders in general. Yet, on the surface, the numbers alone would seem to be staggering. Some may say suspect, lacking any context. What do you think?

9 Years Later, Nearly 900 9/11 Responders Have Died, Survivors Fight for Compensation Nine years have passed since Al Qaeda orchestrated the deadliest attack ever on U.S. soil, claiming nearly 3,000 lives.

But reports from the New York State Health Department suggest the carnage may not have ended that day.

More than 800 responders to the World Trade Center ruins have died — some, advocates say, from illnesses related to their heroicRead More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Lincoln Club Hits Loretta Sanchez In The Mail

[Cross-posted from]

The Lincoln Club of Orange County has entered the fray in the 47th Congressional District, hitting liberal Democratic incumbent Rep. Loretta Sanchez with this mailer zapping for wasting taxpayer-dollars on globe-trotting junkets while voting for Obama’s unprecedented explosion in federal spending:… Read More

Jon Fleischman

*Breaking* OC Lincoln Club Drops IE Mailer Hitting Rep. Sanchez for being Playboys “Pet” Congresswoman!

This just in from the O.C. Lincoln Club (pardon the cut and paste of a release — blogging from an airport…)… And before you ask, this mailing was created by FR friend Jim Bieber and his team over at Bieber Communications

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BOE Member George Runner

Remembering 9/11

It’s been almost a decade since the terrorists struck the World Trade Center, shocking the entire nation and the world. It was the worst act of terrorism ever committed on American soil. In all, nearly 3,000 people were tragically killed.

But it isn’t the terrorists we remember most. It’s the heroes – especially the brave passengers on United Flight 93, such as Tom Burnett, of Pleasanton, whose last words were captured in a phone call to his wife, saying:

“Our flight has been hijacked. The terrorists have knives and have stabbed someone. They indicate they are going to crash our plane into the capitol building in Washington, D.C. I know we’re all going to die, but we are going to do something, I love you honey."

A mother whose daughter worked on Capitol Hill wrote on a memorial website that she believes her daughter’s life was saved by these brave men and women. They did not go gently into the night, but fought the terrorists, and gave up their lives, saving countless others who might have died if the hijackers had been successful.

Something important was gained from the sacrifice… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pérez’s Dirty Trick?

Speaker Pérez and Senate President Steinberg sounded hopeful tones this week after their “Big 5” budget meetings with Governor Schwarzenegger and Republican legislative leaders. They spoke of progress and suggested that they were getting somewhere on a budget deal.

Forgive me for being skeptical, but I don’t trust Pérez any further than I can throw him. The word around Sacramento is that Pérez, a veteran of Democratic machine politics, doesn’t even want a budget to pass before November, since that would hurt the case for Proposition 25, which would change the vote requirement for passing a budget from two-thirds to a simple majority.

Rumor has it that the Speaker has been circulating a memo to his political allies outlining his strategy: speak of progress for the cameras during the month of September, then—in October—say that the budget can’t pass because of the two-thirds requirement. Pérez’s calculation is that the voters will then see Proposition 25 as the solution to the state’s broken system and sign off on tyranny by the majority.

This type of behavior… Read More

Jon Fleischman

RGA Video On NJ Governor Christie…

This is a great watch, albeit a little long (23 minutes). Republican Governor Christie, of New Jersey, making a difference…

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Shawn Steel

The Shill of Silicon Valley

Carl Guardino is president and CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group. We are told that some 300 of the Valley’s "most respected" companies belong. The LA Times tells us that Carl is helping tofund the campaign against Prop 23. Read More

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