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Congressman John Campbell

More On ICE

No, I don’t mean Immigration and Customs Enforcement, but Internal Combustion Engines. They pretty much all run now on some refined petroleum product. But what about alternative fuels? There are a lot of alternatives out there, but each has challenges or else they would be in wide distribution already.

The most commonly know is E85, which is a blend of 85% ethanol with 15% gasoline. Cars in Brazil can run on 100% gasoline, 100% ethanol, or any mixture in between. Ethanol is most efficiently produced from sugar cane – something Brazil has a lot of. We don’t have much. So, we tend to produce it from corn. Virtually all gasoline in the US now contains 10% ethanol. We may be able to go to 15% without damaging existing cars. We cannot produce enough ethanol domestically to go entirely to E85 or even E25, and we currently have a 30% tax on imported ethanol. I have cosponsored a bill to remove that tax, which was initially intended to protect US sugar producers, but is now interfering with energy policy. Plus, ethanol has downsides. In addition to the fact that it results in more emissions than gasoline, it is corrosive and cannot be used at too high a… Read More

Ray Haynes

Ich bin ein Tea Partier

Am I the only one who has noticed that the only Republicans with the "cojones" to stand up to the Democrats are the women in the conservative movement? Even conservative men seem to be a little meek these days, with many of them running for the hills every time the Republican establishment announces that this race or that has to have a "moderate" Republican carrying the Republican banner in November. Conservative women say no, and fight the establishment to advance the movement. Thank you Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell.

I find it really ironic that many in the Republican establishment, not that long ago, were telling us conservatives that we were too "white" too "male" and too focused on the "social issues" to win in November. The Tea Party movement has been established, energized, and fought to defend the Constitution and has emphasized strict "fiscal" conservatism. Now we are being told that this emphasis on "fiscal" issues makes one too conservative to "win in November." Oh, and by the way, it is being advanced by a woman who… Read More

Shawn Steel

Chairman Steele ‘full throated’ for O’Donnell

Unlike some well seasoned politicos in DC including the NRSC, Chairman Michael Steele is running hard supporting Christine O’Donnell. See below.

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BOE Member George Runner

Governor’s new sales tax proposal would pinch ‘Mom and Pop’

Governor Schwarzenegger is floating around an idea to tax services such as hair cuts, chiropractic adjustments, taxi rides, concerts, bowling – you name it. If it’s a service, it could become subjected to taxation.

The governor’s reasoning is that service-oriented business owners don’t pay their fair share of taxes.

“… We know that the economy now is a service-oriented economy, but we really don’t tax anyone that is in this new economy,” the governor said in his Aug. 24 speech to the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce.

The fact is anyone who operates a legitimate business in California is paying some of the highest taxes in the nation not to mention obeying a dizzying array of regulations, which has made California the most hostile state in which to conduct business.

The reality of taxing services is that “mom and pop” business owners would feel the pinch with the addition of one more onerous expense, driving some owners to throw in the towel and close shop. Larger companies would go around the law by outsourcing to service providers in places like Nevada and Arizona, whose state… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Money, money, money

Jerry Brown and the media love to talk about the money that Meg Whitman has spent in her bid for governor.There’s no doubt that she’s spent a hefty amount.But there are a couple of points that her critics leave out. First, California is a large state and it takes a lot of money to introduce a candidate to the voters.A political newcomer cannot simply hold coffee klatches and expect to connect with the nearly 37 million people who live here.Despite the popularity of the Internet, television and radio are still the most reliable way to reach people and they are also the most expensive form of advertising. Of the roughly $100 million Whitman has spent on her campaign (primary and general) thus far, $60 million has been spent on direct communication with the voters (paid advertising). Her critics … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Amy LeFever Weighs In On Maldonado’s Decision Not To Appeal Prop. 8 Decision

The thoughtful commentary below submitted to us from longtime FR friend Amy LeFever. LeFever joined thousands and thousands of Californians over the weekend and on Monday in urging Lt. Governor Abel Maldonado, in his capacity as Acting Governor (Governor Schwarzenegger is on a trade mission in Asia) to file an appeal of the lower court decision in the Proposition 8 case.

Maldonado did not file the appeal, and disappointed many people because of it. Popular talk radio show Dennis Prager devoted a large amount of his time to urging Maldonado to "do the right thing" and file the appeal. Former Attorney General candidate John Eastman had even done all of the necessary legal work, so all that was required of Maldonado was his signature.

So the upshot? It was very disappointing that the Republican Party’s nominee for Lt. Governor would not stand with his party on this key issue.

It was disappointing that Maldonado did not file the appeal — but let us remember that Governor Schwarzenegger himself deserves the brunt of the criticism. His responsibility is to represent the people of California, who voted to pass… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ Political Diary – Great Issue Today

Today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail was so interesting, I thought I would post it up here. As a shout-out to the WSJ, let me encourage you to go to this link and sign up to get the Diary to your own email account. There is a small fee — but as you can see from below, well worth it… The last item below is California-specific.Read More

Shawn Steel

The Brown Implosion

In a dead even race, sometimes you have to wait for one candidate’s meltdown. After a lifetime of hyperbole, Jerry Brown may be fully embracing a "self-indulgent death wish", as Garry South, Gov Davis’ guru and major dem consultant stated yesterday.

Brown’s explosion against all things Clinton is just too good to be true. It seems almost scripted by Meg to inflict as much damage as possible to sink Brown’s support among those democrats who still worship Bill Clinton. Most democrats don’t consider Clinton the "Prince of sleaze"–but Jerry sure madea good point.

Sunday’s comments at a democrat party office may be remembered as the weekend of Brown’s precipitous fall. "I mean Clinton’s a nice guy, but who ever said he always told the truth." Go get him Jerry.Read More

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