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Jon Fleischman

No on 25/Yes on 26 Hits Mailboxes

If it seems to you like there are about a hundred measures on the ballot this November, you aren’t the only one that feels that way. Voters will be asked to cast ballots on a myriad of issues, ranging from suspending AB 32 and legalizing pot, to undoing redistricting reform or expanding it.

Two of the most important measures on the ballot are Propositions 25 and 26. You’ll be hearing a lot more about them, but to give you the (very) short version…

Prop. 25 has been placed before you by the big-spending lobby, who wants to make it easier to both pass a budget (by a majority vote) and they have also drafted language that leaves it legally uncertain whether taxes could also be raised (again by a majority vote instead of 2/3s) if the higher taxes are in a budget package.

Prop. 26 has been placed before you by those seeking to protect the pockets of taxpayers. Years ago the courts blew a massive hole in Prop. 13’s 2/3rds vote requirement for taxes, saying that one type of taxes which are labeled "fees" need only a majority vote to pass. This measure fills in the hole, and restores the 2/3rds… Read More

Jason Cabel Roe

The Final Nail…

If Democrats allow the "Bush Tax Cuts" to expire, the impact on them in November will be devastating. A family of four making $50,000 would see a tax increase of $2,900.

Republicans must present this to the electorate as the tax increase that it is and additionally, communicate the devastating effect that this would have on the nation economically. It would take billions of dollars currently in the market place and put them into government to fund the out-of-control spending.

Make no mistake: this will be the final nail in Nancy Pelosi’s coffin.

See the article on PMSNBC’s website.… Read More

BOE Member George Runner

Stimulus jobs cost $2 million apiece in LA

I am appalled – but not shocked – that the great scheme known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has amounted to nothing more than throwing money down the drain.

But even this report that shows only 55 jobs were created in the City of LA’s $111 million share of ARRA is beyond the pale.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AUDIO: Fleischman on With Eric Hogue

Since it is Friday, that means I was once again on KTKZ AM 1380 in the Sacramento Area with my friend Eric Hogue. What did we talk about? The State Budget, FR’s Top 20 Bills to Veto, the 1st State Senate Special Election, and Karen England’s write-in bid for Lt. Governor.

Check out the audio…… Read More

You Can’t Be Mayor Pro Tem Any More!

I can think of no more worthless title than Mayor Pro Tem. I know some city council members covet the position and proudly display it on their business cards. And I have even heard council members correct me when introducing them: "Well, actually I am Mayor Pro Tem." The same goes for vice-chairman and vice-president of a commission or school board.

So it is highly amusing that someone actually went to court over the title of vice president of the Bethel School District. The case is detailed in this month’s Colantuno & Levine, PC newsletter.

Basically Blair was vice president of the school board and spoke out against the superintendent. His board colleagues stripped him of his veep title and he sued. He lost.

The 9th Circuit Court reasoned that the public expects elected officials to be openly partisan.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

The Single Most Important Column of the Year (to date)

The single most important column of the year.Read More

Matt Rexroad

Pugno Fact #3

Pugno Fact #3 Emotion regarding social issues is clouding the political judgment of political observers and the local press in the race for the 5th Assembly District between Republican Small Business Owner Andy Pugno, Democrat Community Physician/Educator Richard Pan, and Peace and Freedom College Student Elizabeth Martinez. So the Pugno campaign will attempt to provide some facts for people to consider about the race, the district and the candidates. Fact #3 Proposition 8 passed in Assembly District 5 by a margin of 55-45 in the best turn out year for Democrats in more than a decade. Note: This is the same margin that it passed in Speaker Perez’ District. Pugno Fact #2 In 2008, Peace & Freedom candidate Karen Martinez won 8% of the vote for Assembly District 5 in a 3-way race. This year it is again a 3-way race with Peace & Freedom candidate Elizabeth Martinez (her daughter) on the ballot. Polling shows the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Prominent Conservative Leader Karen England Announces Write-In Candidacy For Lt. Governor

Yesterday I received a phone call from my longtime friend Karen England. Some of you may know Karen in her role as head of the Capitol Resource Institute – others may know her as a leader in the California Republican Party. Karen was calling me to tell me that she had decided to announce a write-in candidacy for the office of Lt. Governor. She told me that, from her perspective, the choice between San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and appointed Lt. Governor Abel Maldonado represented no choice at all for committed Republican voters. She went into a litany of issues where she found substantial fault with Maldonado.

After hearing Karen out – I told her that while I shared many (well, to some degree, all) of her concerns about Maldonado, that Republicans need to stay unified behind out party’s nominee as chosen in the primary we held in June. I let Karen know that I was committed, as an officer of the California Republican Party, to the election of Maldonado (despite our significant differences on some policy and political issues). I even went a step further and counseled Karen not to do this – not to run as a… Read More

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