No on 25/Yes on 26 Hits Mailboxes
If it seems to you like there are about a hundred measures on the ballot this November, you aren’t the only one that feels that way. Voters will be asked to cast ballots on a myriad of issues, ranging from suspending AB 32 and legalizing pot, to undoing redistricting reform or expanding it.
Two of the most important measures on the ballot are Propositions 25 and 26. You’ll be hearing a lot more about them, but to give you the (very) short version…
Prop. 25 has been placed before you by the big-spending lobby, who wants to make it easier to both pass a budget (by a majority vote) and they have also drafted language that leaves it legally uncertain whether taxes could also be raised (again by a majority vote instead of 2/3s) if the higher taxes are in a budget package.
Prop. 26 has been placed before you by those seeking to protect the pockets of taxpayers. Years ago the courts blew a massive hole in Prop. 13’s 2/3rds vote requirement for taxes, saying that one type of taxes which are labeled "fees" need only a majority vote to pass. This measure fills in the hole, and restores the 2/3rds… Read More