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Jon Fleischman

Have House Republicans Learned Their Lesson – Are They Ready To Do It Differently?

The importance of electing a Republican majorities in the United States Senate and House of Representatives cannot be understated. The need to stop the hard-left agenda of President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi could not be more urgent.

But if we recapture a majority, and intend on maintaining it for some time to come, Republican federal legislators need to demonstrate to the country — but especially to Republican voters that have been frustrated watching the growth in our federal government, regardless of which political party has been in charge — that things will, in fact, be different than before.

In her most recent column, Peggy Noonan summed this up quite well..

THINK OF A YARDSTICK… "Imagine that over at the 36-inch end you’ve got pure liberal thinking—more and larger government programs, a bigger government that costs more in the many ways that cost can be calculated. Over at the otherRead More

Jon Fleischman

Field Poll: Among Latino voters, Meg Whitman 40%, Jerry Brown 43%, Undecided 17%

A picture is worth a 1,000 words…

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Jon Fleischman

Fiorina Campaign Launches First Television Spot — “Ma’am”

Later this morning the Carly Fiorina for U.S. Senate campaign will formally announce the launch of their first (of many) General Election television commercial. The 30 second spot, entitled "Ma’am" is

“It has only taken 30 years, but California voters have finally been afforded the complete and accurate picture of Barbara Boxer. In her own words, she demonstrates the arrogance that is the hallmark of a career that has gone on for far too long and will mercifully end on November 2. She’s invested much in furthering her career and liberal ideology but has delivered little for the people of California,” said Carly for California Campaign Manager Marty Wilson. “Boxer’s treatment of General Walsh is seared into the minds of Californians, and this is the beginning of our campaign’s fact-based approach to exposing the lowlights of Barbara Boxer’s career dedicated to raising taxes, increasing the size of government and promoting policies that strangle the private sector’s ability to create jobs. Carly provides the perfect contrast through her background in business and commitment to addressing our… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Look Who’s Funding No on 20/Yes on 27 – Self Interested Politicians and Big Labor…

I just got my Ballot Information booklet in the mail from the Secretary of State’s office. In the booklet the official proponents and opponents of measures list their contact information and in most cases a website. The timing was good because I was interested in reading what proponents of Proposition 27, the ballot initiative that would wipe out voter-approved Prop 11 and return the power of redistricting to Sacramento politicians. (You will recall that voters actually thought that there was a conflict of interest in legislators drawing their own district boundaries — and adopted a new system of an independent commission to draw the lines.) Listed in the brochure for the proponents of 27 is

But what I found when I went to that website was…nothing. The website address is still parked with, and has never been activated. It appears that the Yes on Prop 27 campaign is missing in action—it has no website where voters can get information about their self-interested… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Pugno Fact #4

Emotion regarding social issues is clouding the political judgment of political observers and the local press in the race for the 5th Assembly District between Republican Small Business Owner Andy Pugno, Democrat Community Physician/Educator Richard Pan, and Peace and Freedom College Student Elizabeth Martinez. So the Pugno campaign will attempt to provide some facts for people to consider about the race, the district and the candidates. Pugno Fact #4 According to a poll completed Sunday night in Assembly District 5, when likely voters were asked if they were likely or unlikely to vote for a candidate who was endorsed by the Sacramento Bee: 37% responded likely 54% responded unlikely 9% had no opinionRead More

James V. Lacy

Damn. I’m an “Englishman in Orange County”

I’ve written here before about how much fun I’ve had working with to check out my family roots. I got so involved in it that I took my first trip to Ireland this summer to meet with some top geneology researchers to commission a detailed study of the Irish "Lacy" family. I also had a chance to go to J. Kennedy’s Pub while in the Emerald Isle. Quite a dive, I might add. My research was exciting because using and a U.S. based researcher, I was able to trace my family all the way back to William Lacy, II, who reached New Kent, Virginia by ship in 1652. My family history on my father’s side has been 100% Irish, at least through family lore. The Lacy men usually married Irish girls over the more recent centuries, and yes there is surely some blarney in me for sure. I love the story and song of Molly Malone. I enjoy a Guinness and I like Harp better, I love that quart of Jameson Irish Whiskey that Tom Fuentes gives me… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

As You Probably Know

Congress is back in session for 2 or 3 weeks, after which we will adjourn until after the election. If you think that we will accomplish great things during this period, guess again. With majorities in both houses of Congress at stake, there is much posturing and politicking that will naturally occur. This is not unusual and both parties do it. But as our economy continues to suffer under crushing debt and deficits, alarming unemployment numbers, and the threat of the largest tax increase in American history, you would think that at least some gesture, however small, towards alleviating these problems would be attempted. Think again….or, I guess, maybe…just remember who’s in charge. We passed a bill last week which authorizes $5 billion in new spending to supply interest-free cash, through the creation of new programs, to be used to provide federal government-backed loans for the purchase of “energy efficiency” products. Before adjourning, we expect to vote on a Continuing Resolution (CR), which must be passed because the Democrats have failed to pass even one appropriations bill, let alone a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

And The 2010 FlashReport Annual “Golden Trashcan” Is Awarded To…

Every year it is always difficult to pare down the hundreds and hundreds of terrible bills the Democrats who control the state legislature down to just twenty for our annual Top 20 Bills To Veto column. With the help of Senator Mimi Walters and Assembly Chuck DeVore, we were able to get there, although a lot of terrible legislation is still sitting on the Governor’s desk besides the ones we highlighted.

Each year I try to pick just one bill out of the worst to award the FlashReport’s "coveted" Golden Trashcan Award. That’s right — one piece of legislation is so bad and toxic that we encourage the Governor to take this bill, veto it, and throw it into the trash — hence the title of the award.

This year, the "top honors" actually go to a pair of bills that are married to one another, and are… Read More

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