Ich bin ein Tea Partier
Am I the only one who has noticed that the only Republicans with the "cojones" to stand up to the Democrats are the women in the conservative movement? Even conservative men seem to be a little meek these days, with many of them running for the hills every time the Republican establishment announces that this race or that has to have a "moderate" Republican carrying the Republican banner in November. Conservative women say no, and fight the establishment to advance the movement. Thank you Sarah Palin, Sharon Angle, Christine O’Donnell.
I find it really ironic that many in the Republican establishment, not that long ago, were telling us conservatives that we were too "white" too "male" and too focused on the "social issues" to win in November. The Tea Party movement has been established, energized, and fought to defend the Constitution and has emphasized strict "fiscal" conservatism. Now we are being told that this emphasis on "fiscal" issues makes one too conservative to "win in November." Oh, and by the way, it is being advanced by a woman who… Read More