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Senator Tony Strickland

Tony Receives the Approval of Small Business and Support of Americans for Prosperity

Campaign Update from Tony Strickland

Less Than One Month To Go!

October 6, 2010 Dear Friends,

We are now less than one month from Election Day and our campaign is traveling from Eureka to San Diego to speak to you, the voters, about your concerns with how state government is being run in Sacramento. I wanted to share some exciting news from the campaign trail with you and let you know how you can get involved in taking back Sacramento on November 2nd.

Today, the National Federation of Independent Business awarded me a 100% approval rating for my work… Read More

Barry Jantz

Your 28 Days Out Campaign Advice

Not so sure I’m going to be able to keep this up for the next four weeks.

Signage, ahhh, signage. We’ll deal another day with the question of whether it was worth it for you to purchase all those campaign signs, as well as the inordinate amount of time you are now spending in maintaining their presence.

But, as long as you did, let me ask. Those large signs…why for the love of Pete do you have some of them placed along main traffic routes positioned parallel to the roadway, instead of having the wording facing the oncoming traffic?

How many people do you know that while driving 45 miles per hour suddenly turn their heads 90 degrees to the right or left to read something facing the middle of the street? Do you?

Just askin’.


All of Barry’s enlightening advice…and other posts.

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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: Gallup Delivers A Stunner

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail… Gallup Delivers a Stunner As Election Day draws closer, every major public opinion poll shifts from interviewing registered voters to those whom it identifies as "likely" voters. Gallup, the oldest U.S. polling company, first developed the model it uses for identifying likely voters back in 1950 and its final election polls have proven highly accurate. Yesterday, Gallup delivered its first 2010 "likely voter" poll and the results floored the political community. In the generic ballot question, which asks which party a voter would favor in a generic House contest, Gallup gave the GOP a 46% to 42% edge. ButRead More

Meredith Turney

Kudos to the LA Times

It’s not often that conservatives have many positive things to say about the main stream media—especially California’s newspapers. But based on its recent reporting, I think the LA Times deserves some credit. In recent months, the Times has done some great investigative journalism and uncovered lots of government corruption—exactly what we want our media watchdogs to do. First, back in June the Times reported on the welfare cash card abuse. Over $1.8 million was withdrawn from ATMs in casinos—a complete waste of taxpayer money. Second, the Times exposed the City of Bell salary and pension scandal in July. The scandal was so huge it grabbedRead More

Barry Jantz

Your 29 Days Out Campaign Advice

Do you have a campaign budget? How much more do you have to raise to get there? Divide that number by 28. That’s how much you need to raise today, and tomorrow, and every day from here until election day. Commit yourself to getting on the phones and meeting that goal. Every day.

My guess is you’re already behind. You’d better get going.


All of Barry’s enlightening advice…and other posts.Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Word About The Dysfunctional Budget Process

So here we are, in record-setting late-budget territory. The good news is — we have a budget deal, right? Or do we?

Last Friday it was announced that there was a budget deal. It’s now Monday, and I am looking for word on what is in that budget deal? Of course, there is no public document on what is in thebudget deal because — well — because of the dysfunctional system.

Presumably last Friday the "Big 5" (Governor, Democrat and GOP leaders of each chamber) got together, with their key budget staff members, and hammered out something they all felt comfortable (on the part of the legislative leaders) bringing back to their caucus. (I should add that there is no doubt in my mind that the union bosses are so integrated on the Dem side that they will have been heavily consulted during the Big 5 talks, and thus were participants to that process).

So now we are in this "window period" where the budget deal is being taken to all of the legislators, and it is also being discussed with key constituency group leaders and I’m sure details are getting out now to those lobbyists and… Read More

Barry Jantz

Your 30 Days Out Campaign Advice

News Flash: You’re not going to win every vote.

Instead of telling people what you think they want to hear, why don’t you start telling them what you believe? Tell them why you and your ideas are the best for the job, even if they may disagree with you on some issues.

Obfuscation and speaking out of both sides of your mouth is likely to eventually come back to bite you. Honesty seldom does.

Reminder: You’re not going to win every vote.


All of Barry’s enlightening advice…and other posts.Read More

Barry Jantz

Your 31 Days Out Campaign Advice

You candidates who proudly commit to not raising any money (and that you will be running a purely grassroots campaign), because you don’t want to be beholden to anyone once elected…watch closely, it will be over for you when the clock strikes 8:01 p.m. on November 2.

Actually, it’s probably over for you now.… Read More

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