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James V. Lacy

Carla Marinucci: Demand Sterling Clifford, “The Liar”, disclose Brown money

The Stamford Advocate of Stamford, Connecticut reported just a few hours ago that Jerry Brown spokesman, Sterling “The Liar” Clifford apparently announced to the Connecticut press that Jerry Brown will have a $5,000 a plate fundraiser Thursday (tomorrow) night in West Hollywood sponsored by Hollywood’s David Geffen. People who pay $25,000 will have a “private reception” with Brown. We herein call on the San Francisco Chronicle’s ace political reporter, Carla Marinucci, who is a Jerry Brown flunky, to demand that The Liar disclose the name of everyone attending the $25,000 private reception by 5 pm tomorrow. That way, Carla Marinucci can have yet another chance to show she is not just another Jerry Brown flunky, and actually help the public assess the Brown campaign’s finances.… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Whitman vs Brown, Round Two*

Tonight’s debate between Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown was by far the most interesting debate of the season.It was a pleasure to have just one person—Tom Brokaw—moderating, asking the questions and posing follow-up questions when necessary.The candidates, while clearly sticking to campaign message points, addressed a number of key issues, giving voters a clear idea of the differences between their approaches. The big question following every debate is always: “who won?”Clearly, Whitman was the victor tonight.The political novice in the race, she proved to be quick on her feet, confident, and comfortable with her facts and knowledge about state government.And she had veteran campaigner Jerry Brown on the run. One of the ways Whitman had the edge was her direct and clear answers.She seemed prepared to answer the issues in a way with which voters could connect. Brown, on the other hand,often talked around the … Read More

James V. Lacy

Dana Point’s Hotel Taxes are Higher than New York City’s

I just checked out of a hotel in Manhattan. The City’s hotel tax structure, influenced and even lowered by Mayor Rudy Guiliani, is 14 3/4 percent combined state and city sales tax plus $3.50 a room in state and city unit fees. Thus, a $400 a night room is taxed a total of $62.50 in New York City. But in Dana Point, the same room is taxed, under a scheme influenced and raised by then Mayor and current councilwoman Lisa Bartlett, at $78. Go figure the logic of that. It’s not like Dana Point has the infrastructure needs of New York City, even with a large bankrupt hotel.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Dem Candidate Pougnet (CA-45) Pushes 3rd Party “Tea Party” Candidate To Try And Beat Rep. Bono Mack

Desperate times call for desperate measures from Democrat Congressional candidate Steve Pougnet, who is challenging incumbent Republican Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack in California’s 45 District, which covers the lion’s share of Riverside County. Pougnet, who is currently Mayor of Palm Springs, represents the kind of ultra-liberal Democrat that would vote with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi almost 100% of the time were he in Congress. Pougnet is now spending his campaign funds to try and suppress Republican voter turnout for Bono Mack by trying to elevate the 3rd a third party candidate, Bill Lussenheide, who is labeled by ultra-liberal Pougnet as a “The Tea Party candidate” – seriously.

In the mailing below, other than the disclaimer in microprint identifying that it is funded by Pougnet’s campaign, the piece is simply a “contrast piece” comparing the public policy positions of Bono Mack and Lussenheide.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

“Good As It Gets” Budget Compromise Sets Up High Stakes For Governor’s Race

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Jon Fleischman

California vs. Texas

Arduin, Laffer & Moore Econometrics has just completed a sobering analysis, putting California and Texas side by side. You’ll never guess (but I bet you can) which state is more competitive…

You can check it out here.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

David Valadeo: The Choice Of Small Business

Just in from our friends over at the National Federation of Independent Business/California… Why David Valadao is the Choice of Small Business this November By John Kabateck NFIB/CA Executive Director The National Federation of Independent Business/California (NFIB/California), our state’s leading organization representing small andRead More

Barry Jantz

As big rally takes place today in Oceanside, UT asks, “Who are San Diego’s Tea Party members?”

From today’s SDUT…

Activists gather today in Oceanside to advocate lower taxes, smaller government and other conservative causes A PRE-ELECTION TEA PARTY When: Today, noon to 4 p.m. Where: Oceanside Pier amphitheater, 200 N. The Strand, Oceanside Featuring: Speakers, music, contests Sponsors: Stop Taxing Us and Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition

Tea Party activists from Southern California and beyond will gather today in Oceanside, advocating lower taxes, smaller government and other conservative causes — just like Tea Partyers across America. Unlike some regions, though, San Diego County hasn’t seen Tea Party supporters unite around a slate of candidates.

Where, then, does the local movement stand in this election? Who are its members and what motivates them?

Are they an arm of the GOP?

The answer to that last question: no, not if Dawn Wildman has anything to say about it and — stand back! — sheRead More

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