Carla Marinucci: Demand Sterling Clifford, “The Liar”, disclose Brown money
The Stamford Advocate of Stamford, Connecticut reported just a few hours ago that Jerry Brown spokesman, Sterling “The Liar” Clifford apparently announced to the Connecticut press that Jerry Brown will have a $5,000 a plate fundraiser Thursday (tomorrow) night in West Hollywood sponsored by Hollywood’s David Geffen. People who pay $25,000 will have a “private reception” with Brown. We herein call on the San Francisco Chronicle’s ace political reporter, Carla Marinucci, who is a Jerry Brown flunky, to demand that The Liar disclose the name of everyone attending the $25,000 private reception by 5 pm tomorrow. That way, Carla Marinucci can have yet another chance to show she is not just another Jerry Brown flunky, and actually help the public assess the Brown campaign’s finances.… Read More